

The Application of Competitive Intelligence and It’s System to Enterprise Competitive Strategy

【作者】 赵长海

【导师】 冉茂盛;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 信息战略管理—竞争情报和企业竞争情报系统都将最大可能的降低信息不对称带来的风险和不必要的浪费,竞争情报系统已经成为成功企业的长期战略性资产 本论文主要针对竞争情报和企业竞争情报系统在企业制定竞争战略的应用,尝试作出研究和探讨。 论文详细介绍了竞争情报的概念,阐述了竞争情报的收集方法和提供竞争情报的多种途径,总结了竞争情报的应用和发展。在第二章节里,还构造了企业竞争情报系统,它包含了竞争情报收集子系统、竞争情报分析子系统和竞争情报服务子系统,对三种子系统的作用作了说明。又根据重庆某热水器企业目前组织结构形式,设计出了重庆某热水器企业竞争情报系统的集中式的模型。 第三章节就重庆某热水器企业的竞争态势从宏观竞争环境到区域市场竞争状况和行业内竞争情况,作了较为详尽的分析,并介绍了常用的三种竞争对手跟踪的模式,即产品经理负责制式项目情报竞争对手跟踪模式,竞争对手锁定跟踪制和分布协调式竞争对手跟踪模式,还提出了竞争对手的多种分析方法。 本论文第四章引入战略管理的中企业战略分析和制定的常用的方法,将企业战略制定过程分成三个阶段,即信息输入、信息组合和决策选择,将企业竞争情报系统的作用充分体现在企业制定其竞争战略的三个阶段中,运用SWOT和SPACE战略管理制定方法,根据企业对自身未来发展的战略因素的判断,即关键内外环境信息做出有效分析,勾画出企业的战略指引线。同时充分考虑到竞争双方或多方竞争的博弈性,分析了完全信息和不完全信息状态下的博弈均衡,选择和确立了该企业的最佳竞争战略。 最后论文认为竞争情报是战略管理的基础,无论是战略的制定,还是战略的实施和评价,都需要对企业的竞争环境、竞争对手和竞争战略进行基于信息的搜集、研究和分析。企业只有适应市场需求的变化,继续加强竞争情报工作,完善竞争情报系统,在竞争情报系统的支持下,及时发现企业本身和竞争对手之间的技术、市场营销和管理方面的差距,迅速调整产品策略、销售策略,才能在市场竞争中始终处于有利位置

【Abstract】 InTableation strategic management, competitive intelligence and enterprise competitive intelligence system can all largely reduce the risk and waste caused by inadequate intelligence. Of which the system has therefore become long-term strategic assets of a successful enterprise.Except for trying to study and explore the application of competitive intelligence and its system to enterprise competitive strategy, in the 2nd chapter this thesis presents the concept, application and development of competitive intelligence in details, expounds various means of collecting and providing intelligence, gives out the centralized model construction of some Chongqing water heater plant’s intelligence system, describes three inTableation tracking modes which competitive rivals often use and introduces a variety of analytical methods against opponents.In the third chapter, we have analyzed the economic intelligence, industry intelligence about water heater plant’s and this enterprise intelligence, and introduce three model for analyzing opponents:the manager with responsibility for the intelligence about opponents, the company harmonizing for the intelligence about opponents, and tailing after opponents for the intelligence about opponents. Delineating means for tailing after opponents.Combining an enterprise’s intelligence system with the institution of its competitive strategy, the article draws the outline of an enterprise’s strategic development by means of the methods of SWOT and SPACE and in terms of a judgement upon its developing factors in future, and selects and establishes the best competitive strategy for it after fully considering the game of two sides or more of competition and analyzing the equilibrium of game under the conditions of perfect and nonperfect inTableation.It’s believed that competitive intelligence is the basic of strategic management. Establishing the enterprise strategy and doing the enterprise strategy, it need collecting and analyzing the intelligence of the opponents, then, enterprises will be success in competing with their opponents.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】634

