

Difference Brand Position Strategy to Achieve Advantage of Competition

【作者】 汪德智

【导师】 钟苏;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在当今知识经济来临的新形势下,全球众多的跨国企业纷纷抢滩登陆,欧、美、日韩等洋品牌已经渗透到中国大陆的每一个角落,给中国市场带来了新的竞争——品牌竞争,于是中国企业在市场竞争中对品牌战略的需求就日益迫切,品牌建设和品牌管理日益已成为人们所关注的话题。经过十多年的摸索,从没有品牌意识到有品牌意识,从单纯使用广告狂轰滥炸来建立品牌到采用系统的品牌管理,现在很多企业开始意识到发展品牌差异化战略是获得品牌竞争优势的捷径,但究竟怎样才能建立品牌的差异化,包括如何进行差异化定位、如何提炼品牌核心价值、如何建立品牌识别体系和如何实施品牌差异化等等,却是摆在他们面前的一道难题。本文主要针对企业在实施品牌差异化战略过程中,品牌差异化定位以及与此密切相关的品牌核心价值管理和品牌识别管理的基本理论和方法展开尝试性研究,通过笔者为一个保健品品牌实施品牌差异化的研究案例,将品牌差异化战略的理论和实践密切结合,分析品牌差异化定位、提炼品牌核心价值、建立品牌识别体系、制定完整的品牌差异化推广方案,力图为面临品牌创建困境的企业提供一条可借鉴的思路。 本文研究重点是:企业怎样通过分析企业内外部环境、分析自身产品、分析消费者、分析竞争品牌等去建立品牌的功能性、情感性差异去实现品牌的差异化定位;企业怎样围绕品牌的差异化定位去发掘品牌的功能性、情感性和自我表现型核心价值;企业如何通过建立品牌的产品识别、企业识别、个性识别和符号识别去表现这些品牌的核心价值,企业如何通过广告、公关活动和促销等方式实施品牌差异化推广,从而最终实现品牌在目标消费者心目当中的定位。 笔者运用自己具体从事的一个保健品品牌创建实例对品牌差异化战略的理论做了诠释,进行了全面剖析,完成了一个实施品牌差异化获得竞争优势的全过程,可以为众多企业实施品牌差异化战略时作参考。

【Abstract】 In accordance with the situation that the age of knowledge economy is coming, more and more globe company enter china, European, American, Japanese and Korean brand display all place of china. It bring a new competition-brand competition to Chinese company, the urgent need of our enterprises for brand strategy in market competition, it’s an attention theme that how to construct and manage brand stratagem. After research it over ten years, from no brand to have much brand, from only use much advertisement to use brand management system. Lots of enterprises realize that implementing brand difference stratagem is a short cut to obtain competition predominance. But it’s difficult to establish, such as how to difference brand-position, how to abstract brand core-value, how to use. This article try to use theory and practice of difference brand to establish a health-care food brand, analysis difference brand-position, abstract core-value, establish brand-identify, make difference brand work plan, research on brand-position, core-value management and brand-identify, offering a way to help those enterprise confront morass on manage brand stratagemThis article emphasis on that analysis environment of enterprise, analysis customer, product and competitive, to implement difference brand-position base on brand’s functionality and sensibility difference, and apply difference brand-position to actualize brand’s core-value by product-identify, enterprises-identify, individuality- identify and symbol-identify, make a plan of difference work, ultimately achieve a specific position to suit target customer .Author handle a case of health-care food brand to annotate this theory and practice, and completely expatiate that how to establish the difference brand and so on, complete a whole process of difference brand stratagem to help Chinese enterprise to establish their brand.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1111

