

Research on Segments Market of Electricity-Supplying and Marketing Strategy in Chongqing

【作者】 吉涛

【导师】 俞集辉;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 电气工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,电力工业在全世界范围内发生着深刻的变化,电力企业体制不断在变革以适应发展和变化的社会与市场的需求。我国电力市场化改革正在分阶段、分步骤地进行,随着电力市场化改革的不断深入,还将进行供用电环节的市场化改革。 市场化改革给供电企业提出许多新问题,尤其是市场营销面临严峻的挑战:电力销售由供不应求转变为需求不足;发电量和售电量呈低速增长,购电比重上升,购电成本增加;欠电费数额增长,电网运营困难;用电市场潜力深挖不够,需求特点了解不足;营销思想没有真正以市场为导向、服务水平不高、营销策略较单一、市场营销体系不能适应市场变化的需要等。如何积极组织高效的营销体系、实施灵活而有效的营销策略和服务保障体系,努力去开拓用电市场、挖掘用电潜力,扩大电力公司在地区的市场份额,已经成为了供电企业亟待解决的问题。 论文以重庆用电市场为例,重点研究供电企业的用电市场细分和市场营销策略,具体包括以下四个部分,即:用电市场营销环境分析、用电市场细分、用电市场营销组合策略、实证分析。 (1)论文对用电市场营销环境进行了分析,运用了迈克·波特提出的市场竞争力量模型对电力市场竞争环境进行刻画,采用SWOT分析法研究了供电企业用电市场的营销特点,分析了它的优势、劣势、机会、威胁等四个方面的情况。 (2)针对用电市场细分的研究,提出了多种细分标准,并对各个细分市场进行了需求特点、增长潜力等方面的评估分析。 (3)运用5P+S营销组合、质量管理、服务营销等理论,重点研究了电能产品、电价、分销渠道、促销、供电服务、公共关系等六个方面的营销策略。 (4)以重庆市电力公司为例,针对文中用电营销环境、用电市场细分、用电市场营销组合策略的确定等几个关键性问题的研究进行了实证分析。 最后,通过上述对供电企业用电市场营销策略的研究,提出了一些可供供电企业在制定和实施营销战略时参考的策略性建议。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, there have been profound changes in the electric power industry around the world. The reformation of electric power market in our country has been going through step by step. With the development of the reformation, establishment of the market on power supply and power consuming must be done.Because of the reformation, power enterprises are confronted with a lot of problems, especially marketing strategy. Firstly, undersupply of the electric power has changed into the lack of its demanding. Secondly, the generation of electricity and the sale of electricity increase slowly, the proportion and the cost of purchasing electricity go up. Thirdly, the electricity expense due becomes more and more so that the operation of the electric grid becomes more and more difficult, and the knowledge on characteristic of demand is not enough to exploit the potential of power consuming market. Finally, the concept of marketing is not based on the market, and the low level of service results in the simpleness of the marketing strategy, and the marketing system cannot meet the demand of the market changing. Then, how to exploit the power consuming market, develop the potential of sale of electric power, and enlarge the market share of the region by organizing efficient marketing system, effective marketing strategy and the service system are the problems that have to be dealt with urgently by the enterprises of electric power supply.In this paper, the power consuming market in Chongqing has been taken for an example, and the research focus on the subdivision of the power consuming market for the enterprises of electric power supply and the marketing strategy that include the following four parts: analysis of the marketing environment for the power consuming market, the subdivision of the power consuming market, the combination strategy of the power consuming market, and demonstration analysis.(1). In this paper, the market competitive power model put forward by Mike Baud has been adopted to describe the environment of competition in order to analyze the condition of the power consuming market, and the SWOT analyzing method has been used to study the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenges of the power consuming market of the enterprises of electric power supply.(2). Several subdivision criteria have been put forward for the research of the power consuming market, and the demanding characteristic and the potential ofincreasing for every subdivision market have been analyzed in this paper.(3). The research focus on the marketing strategies on the electric product, the electricity price, the distribution channel, the sales promotion, the service of power supply and the public relation by using the following theories: ’5P+S’, quality control and service marketing.(4). Based on ’the Chongqing electric power company’ example, the environment of power consuming marketing, the subdivision of the power consuming market and the combination strategy of the power consuming market have been analyzed in this paper.In the end, through studying the strategies of power consuming marketing for the enterprises of electric power supply, some effective suggestions on setting up and practicing the marketing strategy for those enterprises have been made.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】F426.61
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】552

