

Development on Reactive Power Optimization Soft of 10kV Distribution Network in Beibei System

【作者】 张玉荣

【导师】 颜伟;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 电气工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 根据配电网络潮流及无功优化分析的需要,本文结合电力系统分析的基本理论和现代优化技术,对配电网络的拓扑分析、潮流算法和无功优化问题进行了深入研究,并成功地应用c++Builder、MATLAB和access数据库,独立开发了一套实用的配电网络潮流分析和无功优化计算软件。其主要内容如下: (1)针对配电网络的树状结构和层次特性,研究了一种新颖的分层前推回代潮流算法,该算法不需要网络节点和支路的特殊编号,可以并行计算同一层次所有支路的功率损耗和电压损耗,从而大幅度提高了潮流的计算速度。 (2)灵活运用MATLAB的矩阵查询函数find,对常规拓扑分析算法进行了改进,大幅度减少了程序代码和复杂度。基于本文的改进算法,在实现网络拓扑分析的基础上,还将其功能扩展,进一步实现了环网查寻功能、联络线查询功能,为配网分析软件的数据检查和修改打下了很好的基础。 (3)配网网络无功优化是一个非常复杂的非线性离散优化问题,为了保证计算结果的快速性、可行性和最优性,本文结合内点法的逐次线性优化方法,以及配网电压调节的特点,对模拟进化优化方法进行了改进,并将该算法应用于配网无功优化问题的求解,取得了显著的效果。 (4)基于C++Builder、MATLAB和access数据库,独立设计和开发了配网拓扑分析、灵敏度分析、潮流分析和无功优化计算软件,该软件具有方便的文本数据输入输出界面、灵活的查询和数据修改功能、批量数据导入功能、多方案多作业的拷贝功能,是一个比较实用的电力系统高级应用软件。 (5)基于北碚供电局配电网络的实际系统,对软件的功能和本文算法的效果进行了效验,结果表明本文算法是有效的,软件功能是可靠的。

【Abstract】 The problem of topological analysis, load flow and reactive power optimal of distribution network is deeply researched in this paper for the need of study on load flow and reactive optimal of distribution network. Combining the power system basic theory and modern optimal theory and successfully applying C++Builder, MATLAB and Access Database, a set of load flow and reactive power optimal software is developed. The content including:(1) According to the radial structure and multilayer characteristic of distribution network, a novel layer-by-layer backward/forward sweep method id developed. The branch power/voltage loss of the same layer can be parallel computed without relabeling buses and branches, that greatly increases the speed of load flow calculation.(2) The query function find of MATLAB is flexibly applied in general topological analysis and sharply reduce the code and complexity of program. The advanced evolution algorithm presented in this paper extend the topological function to querying loop network and querying connection line, which make a foundation for data check-up and data correction of radial analysis software.(3) Reactive power optimal of radial network is a very complex nonlinear discrete optimal problem. To ensure the speediness, feasibility and optimality, evolution algorithm is improved by combination with interior point sequence linear optimal algorithm and principle of var balance. The improved algorithm is applied to the reactive power optimization and achieves distinct effect.(4) Based on the C++ Builder, MATLAB and Access Database, a software for topological analysis, sensitivity analysis, load flow analysis and reactive power optimal compute of distribution network is independently developed. The software has convenient text input/output interface, flexible data query, data correction function and batch data guide-in, copy of multi-project and multi-work function. All this make the software to be a very practical advanced software for power system.(5) Test on the BeiBei distribution network proves that the algorithm is effective and the software is reliable.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TM769
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】190

