

On the Organization of Network Information Resources

【作者】 彭冬莲

【导师】 荀昌荣;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 图书馆学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 Internet贮存着丰富的信息资源,但大多数分散无序,用户难以获取自己所需的信息,因此各信息机构纷纷加入信息组织的行列,图书情报工作者更应意识到时代赋予我们的责任,充分利用自己丰富的图书情报知识与经验,加强对网络信息资源组织的研究。近年来,国外学者从实用的角度出发,重视对网络信息资源组织的研究,如信息资源的评价、选择、分类、编目等;一些图书情报部门则开展一些重大的实验项目,如InternetCat、INFOMINE、CAMEL等,并取得了可喜的成效。国内学者的研究大多基于理论构建,而对其组织技术、方法及实例等方面的研究相对较少。本文则在国外网络信息资源组织研究前沿与实践的基础上,吸取国内学者的理论与方法,结合自己多年的实践经验,对这一课题进行研究。文章分析了网络信息资源的类型、特点及用户需求,提出了网络信息资源的评价与选择的指标体系,比较了信息组织的主要形式的优缺点,探讨了网络分类体系与传统分类法在组织网络信息资源的利弊,提出了拓展《中图法》网络功能的设想,并设计了中文网络信息资源分类体系的基本框架,最后阐析了MARC与DC对网络信息资源的组织,列举了具体的操作实例,并展望了网络信息资源编目组织的发展趋势。

【Abstract】 There lie many kinds of network information resources, which is dispersive and disorderly, so it is difficult for the users to search what they want. Now some information companies and agencies are taking part in the organization of network information resources. As a librarian, we should be convinced of our duty to strengthen the study of organization of information, with some theories and abundant experience that we have acculated.In recent years, some famous foreign scholors have been paying great attention to the organization of network information resources, and have advanced some useful methods, such as evaluation, selection, classifying, and cataloguing of network information resources from practical view. Some libraries and information centers have launched some great experimental projects with gratifying effect, for instance, InternetCat, INFOMINE, CAMEL, etc. To some great extent, domestic researchers have been studying the basic theories, neglecting the study of valuable technologies , methods and cases .The paper is based on advanced technologies and methods abroad and also the domestic scholors’ thought and ideas, and conbined with my own experince. It analyzes the types, characteristics, user’s demand of the network information resources and proposes the standards of elavuation and selection. The forms of information organization are compared with their advantage and shortage explored. In this text. We probe into the main pluses and minuses of net catalogues and traditional classifications and havesome ideas of expanding Chinese Library Classification, and also frame the classification of network Chinese information resources. Also, we argue the function of MARC and DC, enumerate several cases, and prospect the trend of cataloguing network information resources in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】G203
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1683

