

Research on the Reformation of Trial Model of Criminal Procedure of the First Instance

【作者】 刘奕冰

【导师】 宋世杰;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 诉讼法, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 刑事一审审判方式改革在整个刑事诉讼改革中处于基础地位。从二十世纪八十年代中后期以来,我国在刑事一审审判方式改革方面取得了长足的发展。初步吸收了程序公正的价值取向,法官居中裁判的格局初步形成,合议庭职权得到加强,庭审对抗性得以强化,审判效率有所提高。但是一审审判方式改革不论是在价值取向上,还是在改革的机制上、改革的具体内容和方法上都还存在不足和缺陷。这些不足和缺陷制约和影响了审判方式改革的进一步发展。笔者研究和借鉴了国内外有关最新研究成果,结合具体司法实践,分析了刑事一审审判方式改革的现状,进行了客观的评估和反思。在此基础上,提出了一审审判方式改革的总体设想。关于改革的价值取向,笔者提出程序和实体并重的价值选择。关于改革路径和时序的定位,笔者认为应坚持从上至下和先改革整体司法体制后改革审判方式。关于一审审判方式机制的设置和构架,笔者论证了确立“审判中心”机制、实行起诉状一本主义和证据开示制度、建立和完善证据规则必要性等等。本文还着重对审判方式改革涉及的几个重要问题进行了探析。一是证据开示制度的理论与实务,二是对简易程序改革的思考,三是普通程序简易审改革的误区与校正。对这些问题,笔者从理论上进行了较详细的阐述,提出了一些自己的看法和意见。以期对刑事一审审判方式改革的理论研究和司法实践有所裨益。

【Abstract】 The reform of the trial model of the procedure of the first instance is the base of the reform of the whole criminal action. From Mid-1980s, our country develops profoundly in the aspect of the reform of criminal trial model. Absorb initially choice of value of procedural justice, the structure of neutral judgment of a judge comes into being initially, the power of collegial bench is strengthened, adverse of a trial is strengthened, efficiency of a trial is raised. There are defects in the specific contents and ways, the reform of trial model of the procedure of the first instance. Whether choice of value or reform mechanism, which affects further development of the reform of trial model of the procedure of the first instance. The author studies relative fruits and takes them for reference, and analyzes current situations of the reform of trial model of the procedure of the first instance relating to judicial practice, and evaluates objectively and rethinks. On the base, the author puts forward the general idea of trial reform of the procedure of the first instance. The author puts forward choice of values of the procedure and the substance being the same important about choice of values of reforms. The author thinks that we should insist from the height to the lowness and reform trial model after reforming the whole judicial mechanism about orientation of ways and orders of reforms. The author proves necessity ofestablishing mechanism of trial being central, of proceeding doctrine of only a bill and the system of evidence disclosure and of establishment of evidence rules and so on. There are still several important problems involved in the reform of trial model. First is the theory and practice of the system of evidence disclosure, second, is about the reform of the summary procedure, third is false district and correction of summarization of the common procedure. The author interprets these problems theoretically in details and puts forward some ideas and opinions of their own. I hope it is beneficial to the theoretical study and the judicial practice of the trial reform of the criminal procedure of the first instance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【下载频次】260

