

On Procuratorial Power in Civil Procedural Law of China

【作者】 邓晔

【导师】 杨翔;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 诉讼法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 众所周知,我国民事诉讼中的检察机关行使的是一种法律监督权。这从《民事诉讼法》总则中可以得知,而审判监督程序中规定该权在民事诉讼中主要的行使方式是事后监督(即通常所说的“抗诉”)。两种规定的不一致使得研究民事诉讼中的检察权具有重要的现实意义。一方面,检察机关在民事诉讼中的及时介入能够有助于审判权的公正行使,有助于保证诉讼程序及诉讼结果的公正。而且也不会妨碍审判独立原则的实施,因为“法制现代化要求建立的,不仅是具有独立性的审判机制,还要求建立开放性的审判机制”,检察权的监督作用正适应了这一要求。另一方面,检察机关以适当的方式介入民事诉讼,能够维护国家、集体及个人的利益,保障当事人在诉讼中各项权利的实现。 在本文中,作者分四章对我国民事诉讼中的检察权进行论述。首先,笔者就检察权的定位作了认真的分析对比,针对目前存在的模糊认识,作者提出了自己的观点,即检察权既不是审判权,也不是行政权、更不是法律监督权,而是同审判权和行政权位于同一序列的一种权力。其内容是以公诉权为其主要内容,兼具立案权、侦查指挥权、刑事检察处分权、民事检察处分权、监督裁判执行权、司法行政管理权等内容。其次,笔者对检察权在外国及我国民事诉讼中之立法体现进行论述,通过比较研究,从中借鉴对我国民事诉讼中检察权之立法有益的经验,并对我国检察权在民事诉讼中之立法进行反思。再次,笔者从应然的角度对检察权与民事诉讼价值、诉权及审判权等关系上进行分析,得出检察权应当介入民事诉讼的结论。最后,笔者指出我国现行民事诉讼中检察权运行之缺陷,并对该权力在民事诉讼中的完善提供一些行之有效的方案,而这些方案也就是文章的“文眼”。

【Abstract】 As is known to all, the power exercised by our procuratorial institution in civil proceeding is legal supervision power, which can be seen from the provisions of the law. The major form of this procuratorial power in civil litigation is supervision after a case, therefore, the contradiction between procuratorial and legal supervision power makes it a significant meaning to study the former power in civil proceeding. On the one hand, the procuratorial power timely entering the proceeding is conducive to the exercising of judicial power, thus ensuring the justice of procedure and its result. It won’t meddle the judicial power exercised by the court, for the modernization of law requires establishing not only an independent judicial mechanism, but also an open judicial mechanism. The supervision function of procuratorial power conforms to the very demand of this;On the other hand, the exercising of this power in civil litigation can better protect the interests of the nation, the collective and the individual without impeding the disposal power of the party concerned . After all, with the development of economic system, it has many forms of ownership systems, so the conflicts between them are inevitable, though the interests among the state, collective and individual are in consistence with one another, which construct the legal basis of realizing state intervening principle exercised by the procuratorial institution.The author divided the treatise into four parts. Firstly, the author, after making serious analysis and comparison on the position of procuratorial and the ambiguous sense, presents his own view that this power is neither judicial power nor administrative power and nor legal supervision power, but a power parallel to the above two kinds of power. The contents of this power regard public prosecution as itsmain part and contain docketing power, investigation controlling power, criminal procurator disposal power, civil procurator disposal power, supervising jurisdiction power and judicial administration management power. Secondly, the author outlines the legislation of procurator power in different countries in order to make us get a general idea of this power macroscopically and historically. Thirdly, the author, through studying the relation between the procuratorial power and the value of civil proceeding, finds that the power sometimes divorces from the value and conforms to the value sometimes.Finally, the author first illustrates the defects in the civil proceeding and then puts forward some efficacious measures in Chapter Four, which are the eye of the paper.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】D925.1
  • 【下载频次】232

