

On the Application and Legislative Improvement of the Requirements of Ordinary Probation in China’s mainland

【作者】 曾惠成

【导师】 杨凯;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 97刑法对一般缓刑条件作了修订。一般缓刑条件包括积极条件和消极条件。前者指适用缓刑时犯罪分子应具备的刑罚条件及能说明其真诚悔罪重新做人的向上进取的品质要求;后者是犯罪分子不应具备的缺乏悔罪自新品质要求的条件。二者从正反两方面规定同一本质内容——犯罪分子的悔罪自新之品质。对“确实不致再危害社会”的判断,是法官依据犯罪分子的犯罪情节和悔罪表现所作出的理性推断,并非主观臆断,是一种归纳结果,具有无限趋向客观的正确性。我国一般缓刑不仅适用于自然人,对犯罪单位也适用。单位缓刑有着充分的法理依据。刑法三大原则中包含有单位缓刑思想。97刑法第七十二条中蕴含单位缓刑的适用。单位缓刑的裁量应以单位的犯罪情节和悔罪表现为依据,不得以责任人员纯个人的行为为根据。针对目前司法与立法现状,为了正确裁量缓刑,应为一般缓刑设置孕育于“正义”且为“正义”之化身的听证程序,作为一般缓刑的程序条件。设置缓刑听证程序便于人民法院查明犯罪分子的犯罪情节和悔罪表现等人格因素,克服法院独占决定权之弊端,有利于正确裁量缓刑以及对缓刑犯的考察和改造。同时,缓刑听证便于操作,易于实行。为给缓刑制度增添活力,并为解决罚金刑执行难问题开辟新途径,将缓刑适用于罚金刑,扩大缓刑适用范围,建立罚金刑缓刑制度。从正反两方面论述罚金刑缓刑的可能性和必要性。罚金刑与缓刑的结合是罚金刑之所急,缓刑之所需,能使二者取长补短,相得益彰。

【Abstract】 In Penal code 1997, the requirements of application of ordinary probation have been revised. The requirements of application of ordinary probation include the positive and negative requirements. The former refer to requirements on the severity of the punishment for the offender and the requirements on the traits of the offender that can demonstrate his sincere repentance and his determination to start his life afresh. The latter refer to the requirements on the traits manifesting the offender’s reluctance to repentance so that he should not possess. From these two aspects have therequirements defined the essential requirement-the traitsof the offender that manifest his sincere repentance, i.e., no longer jeopardizing the society. The judgment of "certainly no longer jeopardizing the society" made by the judge should be a rational judgment, an inductive conclusion, based on the circumstances of the crime and the offender’s manifestation of his repentance, instead of a subjective assumption, that is, such a judgment should approximate the objectively right decision. The ordinary probation is not only applicable to natural person but also applicable to units. Probation for unit has been well grounded in jurisprudence. The three principles of penal code imply the concept of probation for unit, and article 72 of our Penal code 1997 entails the application of probation for unit. The discretion of probation for unit should also be based on the circumstances of crime and its manifestation of repentance instead of being based on the performance of persons responsible for the crime.Considering the reality both in judicature and legislationof the probation system, the hearing procedures for the application of ordinary probation, which can give rise to justice and become the incarnation of justice, should be adopted as the procedural requirement for the application of ordinary probation. The adoption of hearing procedures can facilitate the investigation of the circumstances of the offender’s crime and his manifestation of repentance, the overcoming of the demerit that the court enjoy exclusively the right of decision-making, the proper discretion of probation, the inspection and remoulding of the offender, and at the same time, the hearing procedure for probation is feasible, invigorating the probation system and providing a new means for the execution of fine. Applying probation into fine will extend the ambit of the application of probation and eventually establish a probation system for fine. Moreover, this system is necessary and possible. The combination of the penalty of fine and the system of probation is out of the demand both from the penalty of fine and the system of probation, for this combination could make up for each other’s deficiency.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】D924.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】313

