

Experience and Shining of Youth

【作者】 毛劲歌

【导师】 季水河;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2002, 硕士


【摘要】 奥斯特洛夫斯基的长篇小说《钢铁是怎样炼成的》和杨沫的《青春之歌》两部小说,虽然出版时间相距较远,但二者所受评价惊人相似。两部作品中的主人公保尔和林道静,都是艺术史上的典型人物。本文从时代精神和审美维度的关联上,对时代精神在保尔和林道静身上所烙下的个性印记和青春历练道路的异同进行全面研究,并充分揭示两位主人公的个性特征和典型意义。保尔和林道静,一位是具有无产阶级品质的圆形人物,一位是具有双重性格的无产阶级战士;一位是在革命烈火中铸就的钢铁战士,一位是风浪里成长的革命者;一位是社会主义现实主义中“社会主义的新人”,一位是“两结合”创作方法的成功形象。二人都具有类的形象的概括性,但同时又都是具有个性特征的典型,他们都是经过斗争洗礼的“圣徒式”的革命者,是新创作方法中诞生的新人。两位主人公所处的烽火年代过去了,但是作为不可重复的时代精神和对现实生活充满戏剧性的艺术再现,在现在和将来都必将呈现出恒久的艺术魅力。

【Abstract】 Ostrofsge’s how the steel being refined and Yangmo’s the song of youth both had received an extremely similar comment in spite of their publishing time being far away from each other. Heroes of this two works, Paul and Ling Dangjing, both are types in the art history. This thesis that starts from the connection between aesthetic dimension and time spirit analyzes their unique influence Paul and Ling Daojing had gotten from the time spirits and the difference and resemble of their way, furthermore, we reveal the typical meaning and their own characteristic.Paul and Ling are different: the former is a round character and the later has double character;one is a fighter refined by the revolution fire; the other is a revolutionary growing up in the storm; one is socialism new sample from the social realism creation the other is a succeed form created by the double connection. Besides this, they both embody the generalization of the different category feature, on the other side, they, being an type, also have their own characteristic and are revolutionaries sacred man alike who had made their way from the struggle and new samples created by new creation.Gone the revolutionary time, but the two heroes as an art reappearance of the unrepeatable time spirits and real life will give off an art glamour permanently not to mention now and in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】I106.4
  • 【下载频次】405

