

Heterogeneous Formations and Homogeneous Logics

【作者】 霍志静

【导师】 尹鸿;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 传播学, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 随着经济和社会的发展,广告在现代社会的意义越来越重大,除了对产品性能的推广之外,广告更重要的功能还在于它担负着为产品赋予更多情感色彩和文化想象的使命;在世界经济一体化过程中,广告扮演的角色无可替代,同时现代消费社会的形成也与当代广告的发展紧密联系在一起。本文将广告放置在全球化与消费社会的大背景下,从文化视角对跨国品牌广告的“本土化”现象进行了深入研究,通过对跨国品牌本土化观念的分析以及跨国品牌广告本土化策略的分析,通过大量广告文本和个案,力图挖掘出广告“本土化”与消费社会之间的内在联系。文章认为,消费社会中符号与意义之间的张力为广告创造了广泛的生存空间,在跨国品牌传播过程中,广告利用其庞大的符号系统对品牌进行种种为适应本土文化的粉饰,借“本土化”之名赢得商业上的利益;但是广告的表意结构决定了这些文化符号(能指)始终是漂浮和不确定的,事实上,所谓本土化只是在资本全球化进程中的一种策略之举,它的“表象性”、“虚构性”和“倾向性”表明,没有真正意义上的本土化,只有为全球化服务的本土化;本土化实际上与全球化一样都是在遵循资本主义商业逻辑与文化逻辑的前提之下存在的。

【Abstract】 Along with the socioeconomic development in the era of globalization, advertising has become more and more important. Advertisement not only introduces the functions of the productions, but also plays a major role in promoting globalization and consumer society.This paper focuses on the issue of the localization of transnational corporation advertisements against the background of globalization and consumer society. During the study, the paper is trying to explore the relationship between advertisement localization and consumer society through analyzing a large number of texts and cases in advertising industry.This study proposes that the tension between signs and meaning in consumer society creates much room for advertising. Advertisements transform themselves within the vast sign system in order to fit into different local cultures. But these signs are always floating and indeterminate because of their communicative structure.In point of fact, localization is just a kind of strategy during the process of capital globalization. Its "appearance", "fictionality" and "tendency" indicate that there has never been "localization" in its real sense. Localization is always negotiated and compromised with globalization. Both localization and globalization must comply with the business and cultural logics of global capitalism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】F713.80
  • 【下载频次】274

