

Research on Conflicts of Extraterritorial Discovery

【作者】 温雪斌

【导师】 李旺;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 民商法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文是一篇理论研究的文章。证据开示是美国民事诉讼的重要组成部分,其不加限制的域外适用造成了不少冲突。本文的研究目的主要有:第一,概括介绍美国的证据开示制度及其域外适用的具体情况,揭示证据开示域外效力的产生、范围及其受到的限制,进一步从制度架构的层面上理解美国证据开示程序的域外适用。第二,通过阐述域外证据开示冲突的产生和表现形式,分析冲突的产生原因和实质所在,指明域外证据开示与国家主权的关系。第三,介绍各国对抗美国域外证据开示的措施,包括外交抗议、障碍立法和其他措施,以及《海牙取证公约》对域外证据开示的规制,对域外证据开示的效力作出评价,并对减少和避免冲突的前景进行了展望。第四,结合我国民事诉讼的实际,分析美国域外证据开示对我国可能造成的影响,进而提出有针对性的对策。尽管国内已有很多学者对美国的证据开示制度作了比较全面和深入的研究,但是对民事诉讼法和国际私法相结合的区域,即域外证据开示冲突的了解和探讨还很不充分,目前这方面的研究在国内还是空白。本文围绕域外证据开示冲突的产生和表现形式,在介绍其他国家的对抗措施和《海牙取证公约》的保留条款的同时,结合我国的实际情况,提出一些对策。最后,本文还对解决域外证据开示冲突的前景进行了展望,指出减少和避免冲突的途径是加强各国间的国际司法协助。本篇论文的主要研究方法是以文献阅读、资料整理和案例分析为基础,运用比较法和利益衡量的研究方法,通过比较、分析、归纳,得出自己的结论。本文得出的结论有以下几点:(1)证据开示是美国民事诉讼的有机组成部分,其域外适用是由美国的诉讼观念所决定的;(2)美国域外证据开示的适用有多种方法,主要包括提交文件、笔录证言等,开示途径呈现多样性;(3)域外证据开示冲突的产生原因主要是证据开示的范围过于广泛,与其他国家的诉讼制度不合,侵犯了别国的利益;(4)由于美国依据国内法进行域外证据开示,导致其他国家的反对和抗议,主要手段包括提出外交抗议和制定障碍立法等;(5)减少和避免域外证据开示冲突的较好途径是多国间协商解决,加强国际司法协助。

【Abstract】 This paper is mainly concerned about theoretic research. Discovery is an important part of the U.S. civil procedure. It is not only playing a substantial role in domestic litigation, but also is often used by U.S. litigants, so that a lot of conflicts of extraterritorial discovery have been produced. This paper aims at the follow goals: first, it gives a general introduction of the U.S. discovery system and its extraterritorial application, revealing the production, scope and limits of the extraterritorial effect of discovery, so that we can understand the extraterritorial application of discovery from the lay of system framework. Second, by explaining the emergence and forms of expression of conflicts of extraterritorial discovery, and analyzing the cause and substance of conflicts, it demonstrates the relation between extraterritorial discovery and state sovereignty. Third, it provides information about other nations’ measures against U.S. extraterritorial discovery, including diplomatic objections, blocking statutes and other measures. It also introduces the exception of the Hague Evidence Convention about extraterritorial discovery. Then it evaluates the effect of the system, and prospects for the reducing and avoidance of conflicts. At last, combined with the practice of Chinese civil procedure, it analyses some effects by U.S. extraterritorial discovery, and then tables some pertinent proposals.Although many scholars have carried out overall and deep researches in U.S. discovery system, but it is still not enough to study about conflicts of extraterritorial discovery, which is the cross point of private international law and civil procedure law. The research about this is still a gap in China. The author first studies the extra territory effect of U.S. discovery, expounds the applicable methods of extraterritorial discovery, explains the causes of conflicts, and lists the forms of expression of conflicts. With the introduction about other nations’ measures against extraterritorial discovery and the reservation clause of the Hague Evidence Convention, and considering the actual situation of our country, the author put forward some proposals against U.S. extraterritorial discovery. Finally, the author forecasts the prospect of resolving conflicts of extraterritorial discovery, and points out that the<WP=5>way to reduce and avoid the conflicts is to strengthen international judicial assistance among all nations.By reading literatures, sorting out materials and analyzing cases, with comparison method and balancing of interest, the author draws his own conclusions through comparison, analysis and induction. The conclusions of this paper are as the follows: (1) Discovery is a indispensable part of the U.S. civil procedure, so that its extraterritorial application is decided by American litigation concept; (2) There are many ways of the application of U.S. conflicts of extraterritorial discovery, mainly including production of documents and deposition, so it is diverse to discovery; (3) The production of conflicts of extraterritorial discovery is mainly because of the abroad scope of discovery. The scope is so wide that discovery does not accord with litigation systems of other nations, furthermore, discovery will violate the interest of other countries; (4) Because the U.S. courts carry out extraterritorial discovery according with domestic laws, other countries have to put forward objection and protest, such as diplomatic notes and making nondisclosure statutes; (5) The better way to reduce and avoid conflicts of extraterritorial discovery is the compromise settlement among all nations and strengthening international judicial assistance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】D997
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】245

