

A General Discussion on Legal Issues of Pawn

【作者】 雷蜜

【导师】 马俊驹;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 典当是我国传统的融资方式之一,具有融通资金灵活、便捷,方便民众生活的功能特点,而沿用至今不息。典当因典当行的营业而发生,在我国民法理论上又称“营业质权”。典当是指借款人向典当行借钱而将自己的动产交给典当行质押,在约定的期限内清偿借款本息赎回原物,如果超过约定期限,则质物直接归属典当行所有或典当行变卖质物充抵借款。典当在新中国成立后曾一度消隐,八十年代末在改革开放的大潮中重新复出,发展迅速。典当在我国发展近二十年来,至今尚游离在民事法律规范之外。虽然典当行业主管部门对此也有管理规则,但限于立法水平的局限抑或行业利益的考虑,这些法规的可操作性、法律概念以及规则的合理性还有许多不足之处。典当实践与我国传统民法理论相对脱节。典当业经营较为混乱,暴露出许多法律问题亟待解决。本文就此现象,尝试按照先立论,后提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的顺序结构对新时期典当从法律角度进行归整、探讨与梳理。本文主要内容共分四章.第一章,典当的基本法律问题。本章首先明确典当的概念和特征,然后介绍典当的历史发展与运作流程,以及典当法律关系的构成要素。以此树立典当基本法律理论,作为本文后面所论述内容之法理支撑点。第二章,典当与其它近似法律制度的差异。探讨的是典当与典权、抵押、让与担保、所有权保留和附买回约款的买卖制度的法律区别。第三章,我国典当实践之现状。介绍了:一、典当法理之误区;二、我国典当立法之不足;三、我国典当业之存在问题。主要对我国现今典当行业内的法律认识误区、业务经营混乱状况、典当纠纷暴露出的法律问题进行归纳总结。第四章,我国典当法理之完善和相关纠纷的解决。首先针对有关典当的法律认识误区从民法基本原理和我国现有民事法律框架的角度来着手分析、纠正错误,在认可主流学说的基础上,补充典当法理;然后对本文列举的典当纠纷案例进行解析;最后总结本文观点,提出典当立法改进建议。

【Abstract】 Pawn is one of traditional methods of financing in China, which is convenient and quick for exchange of money and is in practice until now. Pawn is based on the practice of pawnshops and called “business lien”. The pawn as a lien means that a borrower borrow money from a pawnshop and deliver his movable to the pawnshop for lien. If he can’t refund the corpus and interest in a specific period to redeem his movable, the title is going to belong to the pawnshops as a charge for the money the borrower take.The practice of pawn once disappeared since the foundation of the P.R.C., but revived in the reform and open tide at the end of 1980’s and develop quickly. Despite of its existence and development for over 20 years, pawn is still out of the control of civil statutes. Although the relevant authority issued some regulation, the practicability and reasonability of concepts and regulation is far from perfect due to the limit of standard of legislation and industry interest. The practice ofpawn is not in line with the traditional civil law theory, which arise a lot of confusion and disorder to handle with. Based on these facts, the thesis tries to develop its elucidation by bringing out the point, then coming up with the problems and analyzing the problems and finally resolving the problems. The body is divided into four parts as below:Chapter 1, The principal legal problems of pawn. This chapter firstly specifies the concepts and characteristic of pawn, then introduces the history and operation procedure of pawn, and the elements of legal formation. The writer set a theoretical basis for later analysis. Chapter 2, The difference between pawn and other similar legal system. This chapter elucidates the difference between pawn and dian quan, pawn and mortagage, pawn and alienaton warranty , pawn and title retention, pawn and trade with supplementary articles about redeem. Chapter 3, The actuality of pawn <WP=4>industry in China. This chapter introduces three questions, namely, the legally theoretical confusion of pawn, the deficiency of the legislation on pawn, and the problems arise from pawn industry. Some conclusion and arrangement are made. Chapter 4,The complement of legal theory on pawn and the settlement of disputes. To begin with, the writer analyses and correct the wrong practice from the view of basic civil theories and extant statutes. Based on the agreement to the mainstream school, some theory analysis on pawn is supplied. Then the writer gives out a elucidation about the given cases and ends the thesis with legislative suggestions.

【关键词】 典当典当行营业质权
【Key words】 pawnpawnshopbusiness lien
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】650

