

Research on Witness System

【作者】 黄弢

【导师】 章程;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 民商法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着法治化的进程,人们开始真正意识到程序保障对于实体权益实现的意义。目前有关民事审判方式的改革一直在不断进行,在改革深入的过程中,证人出庭作证成为一个迫切的要求。但在司法实践中反馈回来的信息显示:大量的证人不出庭,以及大量的伪证现象存在,这一切严重影响了改革的进行,并使得现代司法的直接言词原则落空,并最终影响司法公正、效率价值的实现。国内目前尚无对于证人制度进行专题研究的硕士和博士论文,因此本文的研究在很多方面还是探讨性的,并且还不是很成熟。本文最大的宗旨是提出问题,并对于国内现行法律规定中关于证人条款的内容进行分析,探讨证人拒证和证人伪证的原因,分析其对于司法实践所造成的不良影响,并结合国外的一些规定,寻求一些可行的解决办法。本文研究的重点有三个方面:第一:证人概念的定义,以及证人资格的确定。第二:对于确定资格的证人,寻求强制其出庭作证的强制措施,并在同时赋予其相应的权益保障。 第三:针对目前严重的伪证行为,从理论上分析其成因,并提出制裁措施,以消除伪证泛滥的情形。本篇论文的主要研究方法是以文献阅读、资料整理为基础,重点通过借鉴国外相应的立法经验,根据我国目前的实际环境和法律规定,经比较、分析、归纳得出我国可行的立法建议。本文得出的结论有以下几点:第一:证人应该是指“了解案件事实,并出庭作证或向当事人及人民法院提供证词的第三人”,区别于鉴定人,但把单位、专家证人纳入我国证人的种类,对于诉讼中的双重身份不予承认,但对于传闻证据则予以采信。证人资格方面,以任何人拥有证人资格为一般原则,由法律明确规定例外情况。第二:立法中应当明确化关于证人不能出庭作证的特殊情况,并规定由法院来履行强制证人出庭作证的职责,与此同时,在法律上细化法官可以动用的强制措施。当然证人在履行出庭作证义务的同时,法律应该赋予其相应的证言拒绝权、经济补偿权、司法保护权、证人免责权,并提供保障措施。第三:完善民事诉讼中伪证行为的刑事制裁措施,可以增设民事伪证罪或者藐视法庭罪,在诉讼程序上增加证人宣誓制度。

【Abstract】 With the progress of the modernizing of law,people pay more attention to the legislation of procedure law. They begin to know that procedure is so important in protecting the entity right. The revolution of the mode of civil trial has being on, in this process, there is urgent need for the attendance of the witness . But in the practice of judicature a great number of witnesses don’t appeal in the court, and many of the witnesses who appeal in the court supply feigned testimony. All of these impact the process of revolution greatly and can’t realize the principle of direct trial. Finally it will damage the justice of the trial.There is not any master or doctor paper on witness law in our country, so this paper is for discussion in many fields and won’t be mature very much. This paper mainly is to put forward question and to analyze the clause about witness law of our country. Hope to get the answer of the question and recognize the bad influence of our judicature practice. On the basis of the foreign law, to find the scheme of solution. This paper will focus on the following three parts:First:definition of witness and qualification of witness.Second:For the qualified witness, to find the solution to enforce them to attest in the court, at the same time supply safeguards for them. Third:Analyze the causative condition of feigned testimony, to find useful punishment to clear this kind of phenomenon.Main research method of this paper is to read materials and study the foreign law. According to the surrounding of our country, to compare, to analyze, to conclude the solution for our country. This paper gets following conclusion: First:Witness should be the people who know the fact and attest in the court orsupply the evidence to the party or the court and the witness is different from the party and appraiser. Witness should include unit and expert witness. But this paper doesn’t agree with the dual station in the litigation, but accept hearsay evidence.<WP=5>About the qualification of witness, the basic principle is every one has qualification except for some special status what is described clearly in the witness law. Second:In the legislation special status when witness doesn’t need to appeal in the court will be clearly described, and court has the duty to enforce the qualified witness to attest in the court. At the same time,witness law should grant the court the definite kind of power to enforce the qualified witness to appeal. Of course when witness assume the duty to appeal in the court, they can take the right to deny supplying testimony, the right to get compensation of money , the right to get protection from judicature.Third:To perfect the criminal punishment of the action to give feigned testimony in the civil litigation. To add the crime of feigned testimony in the civil litigation or the crime of contempt of court. In the litigation add the legal system for witness to take an oath.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】D915.13
  • 【下载频次】383

