

Assessment of Hydrogen Energy System about Fuel Cell Vehicles and a Beijing Case Study

【作者】 冯文

【导师】 陈昌和;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 热能工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 氢能系统是一种极具潜力的未来的能源系统,氢能技术与氢能系统应用的发展迫切需要开展与氢能系统评价相关的研究。燃料电池汽车的出现为氢能应用于交通领域提供了技术平台,论文针对这种具体的氢能系统进行了全面的评价。论文首先从宏观角度分析我国应该采取的燃料电池汽车氢能系统发展战略;然后从微观角度运用生命周期评价方法对一个假想的,却极有可能在未来实施的燃料电池汽车氢能系统案例的所有可行方案从能源、环境和经济三方面进行评价,选出最优方案并讨论改进方向;最后对燃料电池汽车氢能系统的安全性进行评价并总结现有工作中存在的问题,展望氢能系统评价的发展方向。论文的主要结论是:⑴对于不同时间段和地域,结合其不同的能源结构、技术经济、资源和污染等情况,我国应该制定不同的燃料电池汽车氢能系统方案。这一工作应在燃料电池汽车氢能系统发展时空矩阵的指导下有计划、有步骤地完成;⑵燃料电池汽车在我国最早实现商业化的时间是2008年(奥运会),地点是北京,车型是燃料电池公共汽车。针对这一案例,综合考虑燃料电池汽车氢能系统“从井口到车轮”全生命周期的能源利用效率、环境影响和经济性指标,最佳的方案是:在集中制氢厂采用天然气蒸汽重整制氢,用汽车将装有氢气的高压气瓶输运到氢气加注站,加注给以氢气为燃料的燃料电池公共汽车。论文包括宏观和微观两个层次,贯穿全生命周期的思想,兼顾能源、环境、经济和安全性四个方面,首次在国内建立了完整的燃料电池汽车氢能系统评价体系,推动了氢能系统评价工作在我国的深入进行,并为我国发展燃料电池汽车提供了有价值的参考。

【Abstract】 Hydrogen energy system is one of the most promising energy systems in the future. With the development of hydrogen energy technologies and applications, it is necessary to carry out assessment of hydrogen energy system immediately. Fuel cell vehicles provide the base for hydrogen energy to be applied in transportation system and the specific hydrogen energy system about fuel cell vehicles is assessed completely in this thesis.In the thesis, the strategy for China to develop the hydrogen energy system about fuel cell vehicles is analyzed firstly. Then a case in Beijing is studied, which is based on an imaginary but possible FCB (Fuel Cell Bus) project in Beijing, 2008. In the case, 11 feasible plans of hydrogen energy systems about fuel cell vehicles are evaluated from all the aspects of energy, environment and economy with LCA (Life Cycle Assessment). Finally, the safety of this kind of hydrogen energy system is assessed and some advice for assessment of hydrogen energy system in China are given. Followed are the main results of this thesis: ⑴China should make different plans of hydrogen energy system about fuel cell vehicles during different periods and in different areas. The matrix of time and space for development of hydrogen energy system in China will instruct this work comprehensively, scientifically and objectively; ⑵For Beijing case and from all the aspects of energy, environment and economy, the best plan of hydrogen energy system about fuel cell vehicles is: Hydrogen is produced by natural gas steam reforming in the central factory, then transported to the refueling stations in the hydrogen tube trailer by the trucks, and filled to the FCB using hydrogen gas.In the thesis, the whole system for assessment of hydrogen energy system about fuel cell vehicles is founded, including both macroscopical strategy and microcosmic case for the first time, which will promote assessment of hydrogen energy system in China and provide useful references for the government to develop fuel cell vehicles.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】U473
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1002

