

An Outline of Urban Design History of Beijing (1949-1978)

【作者】 乔永学

【导师】 朱文一;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 建筑学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 “城市设计,古已有之”。建国以后北京城的建设虽然没有明确提出城市设计的概念,实际上却包含着城市设计的工作。研究北京的城市设计历史尤其是建国以来的历史具有重要的历史意义与现实意义,但是今天在强调城市设计对建设北京城的重要作用的同时,却十分缺乏对建国以后北京城市设计历史的研究。本文研究的的目的就是通过对北京城市建设历史资料的整理、发掘、分析,力求从城市设计的角度把三十年间北京城市空间与城市面貌发展、演变疏理出一个清晰的脉络,对城市设计的经验教训进行总结,进而对今天北京城市设计提供一些借鉴。本文的研究方法首先是遵守历史研究的一般原则,通过各种渠道收集历史资料,资料力求丰富、详实;其次在叙述史实的基础上,对有代表性的设计案例运用现代城市设计的理论进行适当分析,达到从广度和深度全面认识历史的目的;另外,在论述过程中,结合城市设计的学科特点,综合运用文字、历史照片、设计图以及自绘的分析图等进行分析,做到图文并茂,形象生动。本文共分六章,引言部分主要介绍了本课题研究的背景、现状、意义与方法;第一章简要回顾1949年以前北京城市设计发展的历史,并总结出北京旧城设计的成就;第二章到第五章按照时间顺序把1949年到1978年划分为四个时间段,分别对各个时期的城市设计展开论述,每个时期以该时期城市设计中具有代表性的特征作为标题。每一章的论述结构基本相同,先是介绍城市设计的背景,然后描述城市面貌发生的变化,接着总结出导致城市面貌发生改变的城市设计情况,进而对其中具有典型意义的设计案例展开具体分析。第六章是本文的结论,对这个时期北京城市设计的历史以及北京城市面貌的变迁进行归纳总结,同时对今天北京城市设计的影响提出自己的一些见解。

【Abstract】 Urban design appeared in the ancientry.It has been already invoved in Beijing’s construction after 1949,although the concept of urban design was not clearly put forward.It has great history and modern sense to study the urban design history of Beijing,especially the history of this period.But with a great pity,this kind of research is very lack today while we are emphasizing the importance of urban design of Beijing construction.This thesis aims at making out a clear skeleton of the development and evolvement of Beijing’s city space in the three decades in the view of modern urban design by digging and analyzing the city construction information of Beijing .On basis of this we can summarize the experience and lesson of urban design ,and make some suggestions for today’s urban design of Beijing .Rearch method of this thesis is following .Firstly,according to general principle of history research , the writer try to collect more history information while securing its nicety and detail.Secondly,on the basis of describing history,some typical cases are analyzed with modern urban design theory in order to understand history deeply and widely.Congsidering the characteristic of urban design ,the description combined photos、drawings and analysis pictures made by myself together to make the thesis more lifesome.This thesis includes six chapters except the foreword.The foreword mainly introduces the background,actuality,meaning and research method of this thesis.In the first chapter,the urban design development history before 1949 is looked back and the urban design achievement of Beijing old city is summarized.In the second to fifith<WP=5>chapter,the time from 1949 to 1978 is devided into four period which is titled with different typical characteristic.The description struction is same as following .The background of urban design is introduced at first,then the changes of city visage are described,next the circumstances of urban design resulting in the change are set out,at last the typical cases are analyzed detailedly.The sixth chapter is the conclusion of the thesis.The urban design history and city visage whirligig of Beijing during this period are concluded and summarized, at the same time some opinions of influence of history to today’s urban design are brought forward.

【关键词】 北京城市设计历史1949-1978年
【Key words】 BeijingUrban designHistory1949-1978
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】TU984.2-092
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1741

