

【作者】 黄纲

【导师】 刘定华;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 经济法, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 我国银行业负担的巨额不良贷款已成为高悬在金融业头顶的一柄利剑,而银行的运作是否正常,关系到宏观调控是否有效、国民经济能否顺利进行,因此,保全银行资产的完整性已成为我国经济健康发展的主要内容。 传统民法中设有违约责任制度和债权担保制度,运用这两项制度来保障金融债权是目前银行的习惯性思维和传统做法。但是商业银行作为企业法人,既无行政强制权,又无行政处罚权,在维护自己债权的过程中穷于应付而且阻力重重。债权银行对债务人转移、藏匿、私分财产或以抵押财产为他人担保等方式损害金融债权的行为往往无能为力,究其原因,主要在于债的相对性原则将债的效力局限于债权人与债务人之间,债权人只能向债务人请求履行特定义务,不得对第三人产生影响。为了解决债权实现难的尴尬,立法上突破了债的相对性原则,建立了债的保全制度并赋予债权人代位权和撤销权,使债的效力扩张而具有了对外效力,从而更有利于保护债权,进而维护社会经济秩序、保障商事流转的顺利进行。 债的保全制度,是法律为防止债务人责任财产不当减少危及债权实现而设置的安全保护制度,由债权人的代位权和撤销权共同构成,代位权是为保持债务人的责任财产而设,撤销权是为恢复债务人的责任财产而设。债的保全制度兼具实体法与程序法的特点,且内容远超合同履行本身,在我国法律上还是一项新生事物,仅凭合同法上的概括性规定,无法满足司法实践的需要,确立伊始后的相关研究亦未及深入,甚至连学术界对某些细节的理解都分歧颇大,因此在金融实务中,银行对正确适用代位权、撤销权没有把握。债权银行应当熟悉、掌握代位权和撤销权法律制度,有的放矢地在保障债权实现的过程中加以运用,随着法制进程的推进和实践经验的积累,吸收和借鉴外国的成功立法经验,在金融法领域确立和健全债权保全制度也是立法的时代呼唤。

【Abstract】 The burden of a huge amount of bad loan that China’s banking Industry is shouldering has become a sharp sword over her finance. Whether bank’s operation is normal has much to do with the smooth operation of civil economy. Therefore, protecting bank’s properties is an important task concerning China’s economic healthy development.The system of breaching obligation and the system of debt’s guarantee in traditional civil law is to assure the realization of debt, by which to guard the financial debt is banks’ habitual thought and practice. Obligee bank is unable to stop obligors from moving, concealing and illegal treating their properties because commercial banks can’t save their own debt efficiently without the right of administrative punishment. The main reason is the principle of debt’s relativity, which limits the efficiency of debt between the obligee and obligor. The obligee can only ask the obligor to realize his debt, but he can’t affect the third party. To avoid the awkward situation, legislation breaks through the principle and sets the system of debt’s preservation giving the obligee the right of subrogation and rescission. The new system enlarges the efficiency of debt and benefits the order of social economy.The system of debt’s preservation whose purpose is to prevent the obligor from reducing properties illegally consists of the right of subrogation keeping the obligor’s properties and the right of rescission returning the obligor’s properties. The system with the features of adjective law and substantive law is a new system that bank can use to safeguard debt effectively, and which bank must understand and master. Therefore, it is the needs of the times that the system is established and improved in china financial law or banking law according to the successful foreign legislative experience.

【关键词】 代位权撤销权金融债权
【Key words】 Right of subrogationRight of rescissionFinancial debt
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】D922.28;D923
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】234

