

【作者】 张泽麟

【导师】 刘克利;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 高等教育学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 管理是事关高等学校兴衰成败的一个关键问题。一流的院校必须有一流的管理,一流的管理是确保高质量教学与研究的一个必要条件。随着我国现代化建设事业的蓬勃发展和高等教育大众化的来临,中国高校面临着前所未有的发展机遇,社会主义市场经济体制的建立与完善以及高等教育国际化所带来的对资源的激烈竞争也使中国高校面临着重大挑战,通过制定与实施发展战略规划来推行战略管理,优化配置和有效利用各种资源,提升核心竞争力与可持续的竞争优势,已经成为中国高校实现新的跨越式发展的有效途径。 高等学校战略管理是指高校在国家宏观高等教育政策与法规的指导下,以国家和所在地区的国民经济和社会发展为背景,针对学校自身的历史、现状和发展目标,对教育教学活动通过制定和实施发展战略规划所实行的总体性管理,包括战略计划与战略实施两个阶段。战略计划过程包括战略分析、使命与目标陈述、战略选择与规划制定三个步骤,战略实施过程包括资源规划与配置、组织结构重组与功能再造、战略监控与评估三个步骤。 战略选择与规划制定是高校战略管理的关键环节。我国高校在进行战略选择与规划制定时,应该特别注意以下几个方面:注重体现特色,打造学校核心竞争力;注重形象管理,树立学校整体形象;注重以质取胜,提高教育与人才培养质量;注重优势与集成发展,形成学科比较优势与群体优势;注重人才资源开发,提升队伍整体水平;注重市场推广,拓宽招生就业渠道。 根据我国高校的实际情况,要实施切实可行、绩效优异的战略管理,高校应该特别注重科学定位,明确高校战略愿景;重视使命陈述,强化高校战略目标;注重“硬环境”建设,通过成立专门的战略研发机构,加强政策研究、开展院校研究,建立计算机管理数据库与信息处理系统等措施,为高校战略管理提供技术支撑;高校同样要注重“软环境”开发,通过提高管理者的战略思维与战略管理能力,建构有利于高校战略管理实施的组织文化氛围,并充分考虑学生、教职员工等各种利益相关者的意见,为高校战略管理提供源动力。

【Abstract】 The governance is one of the key issues for development of higher education. A best institution must have the best governance; the best governance is a necessary condition for achieving high quality of teaching and research. The rapid development of China’s cause of modernization and the trend of massive higher education provides lots of unprecedented opportunities for China’s higher education institutions (HEIs), the establishment and improvement of the socialist market economy as well as the trend of internationalization of higher education also challenging China’s HEIs to the fierce competitions of resources. To implement the strategic management through the planning and implementation of developmental strategy, optimize and make best uses of all kinds of resources, and create the core competences and sustainable competitive advantages, have become an effective approach for China’s HEIs to realize their new spanned development.Strategic Management in HEIs is the overall management of its educational activity through the planning and implementation of their strategies, it aims at the institutional development according to the national and local economic and social background, and it includes strategic planning and strategic implementation. Strategic planning includes strategic analysis, mission and goal statement, strategic choices and planning. Strategic implementation includes resource planning and allocation, corporate structure reorganization and business process reengineering, monitoring and adjusting.Strategic choice and planning is the key issue of the strategic management in HEIs. In order to achieve their new spanned development, during their strategic choices and planning processes, it is practicable for China’s HEIs to create their core competences with implementing the characteristic strategy, to establish their institutional image with applying the collegiate identity system strategy, to improve their educational quality with applying the quality-oriented strategy, to form their comparative and integrated advantages of disciplines through the strategy of discipline-with-advantages development and discipline integration, to strengthen and improve their faculty members and administrators on the basis of human resource strategy, to improve their recruitment of freshmen and employment of graduates with implementing themarketing strategy.To promote practical and effective strategic management according to the contemporary situation, China’ HEIs should pay more attention to scientificpositioning for identity of its strategic vision, and mission statement for strength its strategic goals; to provide technical support with building the hard environment through the establishment of R&D department, the policy and institutional research, and the establishment of computing administrative database and information processing system; it may also to create its drives with developing the soft environment through the improvement of strategic thinking and managerial skills of administrators, the construction of corporate culture environment, and the consideration of the comments from the stakeholder such as faculty members and students.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】G647.1
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】1417

