

【作者】 陈赣

【导师】 赵新建;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 通信与信息工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 移动通信的高速发展对移动通信网的规划和优化提出了挑战。计算机辅助是解决这一问题的有效手段。计算机辅助网络规划和优化主要涉及两方面的问题,其一是无线信道仿真,其二是无线传播模型的仿真预测(规划)和运行网络的无线电波覆盖的仿真(优化),这两方面是论文讨论的关键。 在传播模型仿真中采用对实测数据做数值分析的方法匹配得到符合特定区域的传播模型,弥补了纯粹理论分析计算量过大和经验模型适用面窄的不足。针对无线通信系统中诸如呼叫请求等事件的出现是符合一定概率分布的随机事件这样的特点,在仿真时采用基于事件的蒙特卡罗分析法,使仿真更加接近实际状况。 本文详细分析了仿真系统建立的思路和过程,及其各个模块的功能、目的和实现方法。仿真结果表明该仿真系统能够很好的模拟实际网络参数,对网络规划和优化有指导意义。

【Abstract】 The planning and optimization of mobile communication network have encountered great challenge brought by the rapid development of communications techniques. Compute is an effective tool to solve this problem. To simulate a wireless network with compute, we must deal with two aspects of things in order. First one is the simulation of wireless links and the second one is the electromagnetic wave simulation. These two aspects are just we focus on in this paper.The planning and optimization of wireless communication networks requires highly sophisticated propagation models. Considering the shortcoming of the pure theoretic models and the empirical models, a new method of wave propagation computing is presented, which can simulate wave propagation model in different environments. It is based on the singular value decomposition which is a well known numerical analysis means.Taking account of the characteristic of the wireless communication network, the program has been written to perform an event based Monte-Carlo simulation of cellular network.In this paper, the algorithms, the key techniques and the software implementation are discussed in detail.

  • 【分类号】TN925
  • 【下载频次】152

