

Realization of Robot Joint with More Degrees of Freedom

【作者】 郭锦涛

【导师】 冯浩;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 基于目前机器人研究领域需要研究的关键技术之一——新机构的研究,我们提出了一种新型的、微型的、多自由度的机器人关节结构。该关节使得要由多个关节通过连杆实现的多自由度动作在一个关节中得以实现。这样可以用体积小、重量轻的简单机构取代以往庞大、臃肿的复杂机构,使得机器人的应用领域向小型化微型化空间拓展;而且由于本结构的机械设计上的特点,使得本关节作用空间较大,基本上可以满足众多应用场合的需要。 通常在机器人领域执行元件采用电磁式电机,为了获得低速、高力矩需要齿轮减速机构,因而又增加了关节的体积和重量。本关节驱动元件采用超声波电机,因为超声波电机独特的工作原理,定转子之间用较大的压紧力压紧,断电后有很大的自锁力,因此当关节运动到指定位置时不需要蜗轮蜗杆机构就可以实现自锁。 针对我们提出的多自由度关节,本文在以下几个方面作了研究工作: (1) 根据超声波电机的大小设计出关节的结构及大小,并加工出关节。 (2) 针对使用的超声波电机的特点利用单片机进行控制。 (3) 设计了相应的硬件电路并分别在上位机和下位机上用软件编程,对关节的转动进行有效的控制。

【Abstract】 Because the new robot structure is still one of the key issues in the current robot researching filed .The paper proposes a new kind of robot joint which had more degrees of freedom. The new joint has not only smaller volume, lighter weigh, but also has bigger action space. Only one such joint can realize the more degrees of freedom, which could be done through more single degree joints linked by rods in many applying fields. The new joint structure can simplify structure, decrease complexity and improve facility. These advantages can make robot-applying fields into microminiaturization and miniaturization. Moreover, due to the new structure’s properties for mechanical design, the new joint has bigger action space.In robot realm electromagnetic motors have generally been used to be driven elements, so reduction devices must be connected to electromagnetic motors in order to obtain large torque at low speed, which increases the total volume and weight of the joint. Ultrasonic motors have been used in the joint because of its special working principle. Its rotor and stator have been tightly pressed together to generate big self-lock power when out of the electricity. So joint can move to the appointed position and do not need worm wheel and worm.To be aimed at the joint we proposed, we also do another more workas following:(1) Based on size of the ultrasonic motor we designed the structure and size of the joint.(2) Based on the ultrasonic motor we used the singlechip to control.(3) We designed the hardware circuit and programmed in supervise computer and slave computer respectively, which can control joint to act effectively.

  • 【分类号】TP242
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】884

