

【作者】 王军

【导师】 梁宁建;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 我们生活的社会,是由各种错综复杂的人际关系组成的网络。对于正处于学习、成长过程中的大学生来说,良好的人际交往能力不但是大学生活的需要,也是将来走向社会的需要,是大学生社会化的重要内容。在某种意义上说,人际交往的能力是大学生社会适应能力的综合体现。 在工科院校里,由于理工科学生学习任务很重,平时参与的活动不多,相当一部分学生缺乏人际交往的锻炼机会,特别是与异性交往的机会,因而表现出了各种各样的人际关系方面的问题。因此针对工科院校学生在人际交往方面的不足,本研究试图了解工科院校学生的人际交往的状况以及人际交往的归因特点,寻找一些关于人际交往方面规律性的东西,探讨有价值的工作对策。 本研究编制了一份人际交往能力调查问卷,用它对安徽工业大学大二、大三的250名本科生施测,得到有效问卷238份。通过因素分析得到14个一阶因子和4个作为交往能力的评估维度的二阶因子。同时,本研究还采用了《多维—多向归因量表》(MMCS)对这238名学生的人际交往能力的归因特点进行了分析研究。根据测试的结果,对工科院校大学生的人际交往能力状况和归因特点进行了探讨,重点对男女大学生、文科专业和理工科专业学生、大二和大三学生以及来自农村和城市的大学生进行了研究,同时还对不同交往能力的大学生的归因特点也作了相应的分析。结果发现: 1、在交往能力方面 1、1 工科院校的男女大学生在人际交往的综合能力上没有显著性差异。但是,男性大学生在交往上显得更封闭一些,表现出一定的人际交往的社会退缩倾向。 1、2 在工科院校里,文科大学生和理工科大学生在人际交往的综合能力上没有显著性差异。但是,理工科学生在与人交往中显得有些过于自我保护,独来独往的现象多一些,在交往场合往往表现出一定的人际交往的社会退缩倾向。 1、3 在工科院校里,来自农村的大学生和来自城市的大学生在人际交往的综合能力上没有显著性差异。但是,来自农村的大学生显得更敏感,表现出一定的人际交往的社会退缩倾向。 1、4 根据对现有规模的样本的测试结果,在工科院校里,二年级的大学生在人际交往的能力上要差于三年级的大学生。 2、在对交往能力的归因方面 1、1 总体来说,在工科院校的大学生中,“努力”这一归因倾向与交往能力在一定程度上呈正相关;而外归因(“运气”和“情境”)则与交往能力在一定条件下呈负相关。 1、2 在性别方面,男女大学生在对交往能力的归因上没有显著性差异。但相对于交往能力强的女性大学生来说,男性大学生对交往的“情境”归因方面似乎感触更深。 1、3 在专业方面,相对于文科学生来说,理工科学生认为他们在人际交往上要付出更多的努力,并且需要更多的运气成分。 1、4 来自农村的大学生和来自城市的大学生在对交往能力的归因上基本一致。但是,在交往能力不强的大学生中,来自农村的大学生在人际交往方面更看重自身内在的因素,特别是自身的努力。同时,他们也认为,运气成分在人际交往中也是很重要的。 1、5 在年级方面,三年级大学生在对于“人际交往需要付出自己的更多的努力”这一归因倾向比二年级大学生有更深的理解。

【Abstract】 The society we live in is a network consisted of various kinds of complicated interpersonal relations. To college students, the development of interpersonal competence is a important part of students’ socialization because it is quite necessary not only for campus life but also for their onward life. In some sense, interpersonal competence is the comprehensive reflection of student’ social adaptability.Many science and engineering majors of universities of technology have various problems in interpersonal relations because they have few opportunities to socialize esp. with the opposite sex caused by heavy study load. This dissertation, therefore, is targeted at students’ interpersonal communication status in universities of technology and its relative characteristics in attribution, so as to work out valuable solution to the problem.250 sophomores and juniors of Anhui University of Technology were tested by a scale designed on interpersonal competence , from which we have got 238 effective questionnaires. 14 factors are extracted through factor analysis and 4 evaluation dimensions were extracted from these 14 factors. And also, MMCS was adopted to analyze relative attributive characteristics in interpersonal competence. Based on the results of the survey, research was made on the status and attributive characteristics in interpersonal competence of students in universities of technology, with emphasis laid on the comparisons between male and female students, art and engineering majors, sophomores and juniors, students from countryside and those from cities. Relative analyses were also conducted on the attributive characteristics of students with different competence level. The results suggested:1. in terms of interpersonal competence.1.1 There is no significance between male and female students in universities of technology. But the male students tend to be more closed.1.2 There is; no significance between the groups of an and engineering majors. But the science and engineering students tend to be more self-protected with a preference of being aione.1.3 There is no significance between students from countryside and those from cities. Bur students from countryside tend to be more sensitive.1.4 Based on the testing result on the present sample, the juniors are better than the sophomores in interpersonal competence.2. in terms of attribution in interpersonal competence.2.1 Generally speaking, the internal attribution- "effort" correlates with interpersonal competence in a direct way while the external attribution- "luck" and "context" correlates with it in an inverse way.2.2 In terms of gender, there is no significance between male and female students In attribution as far as interpersonal competence is concerned. But compared with female students who are better at interpersonal communication, male students tend to attribute their success to "context" .2.3 In terms of major, the students of science and engineering majors think they should make more effort in interpersonal communication and need more luck.2.4 There is no significance between students from countryside and those from cities in their attribution. But among students who are not good at communication, the students from countryside tend to think inward factor more important, esp. the "effort" . They also think that "luck" is very important.2.5 Juniors have deeper understanding than sophomores in the attributive tendency-more effort is needed to make in interpersonal communication.

  • 【分类号】G645.5
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】1517

