

【作者】 赵睿

【导师】 庄志民;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国旅游企业改革的不断深入以及中国正式加入WTO,中国旅游业面临着前所未有的竞争压力。“入世”后我国旅游业将在数量上、规模上和程度上,面临外资旅游企业更为严峻的挑战。相对而言,外资旅游企业具备更为雄厚的资金实力、丰富的管理经验和先进的技术手段,并早已实现了从提供单纯性旅游产品向依赖综合性服务获得效益的转变。如何转变经营观念、深化服务内涵、改进服务手段、提高竞争能力将是新世纪旅游业能否持续发展的关键,否则依赖原有的旅游产品、服务方式将很难产生新的吸引力,经营效益的持续增长也将愈发困难。 企业成功亘古不变的真正奥秘只有一条——拥有最好的客户。通过实施CRM(Customer Relationship Management),即客户关系管理来为企业提供全方位的管理视角,提供高品质的客户服务,赋予企业更完善的客户交流能力,以赢得更多的客户并且提高客户的忠诚度,已为西方企业界实战验证为21世纪企业构筑核心竞争能力、拓展利润新区、实现持续发展的不二法门。 知识经济时代的客户关系管理,是依靠互联网信息系统对客户关系的精细管理,而不是传统的依靠合同和笔记本的粗放管理。只有依靠电脑信息系统才有可能迎接挑战,从而实现提升客户满意度的战略目标。我国企业受经济发展阶段的制约,在CRM领域的研究相对西方较为滞后。即便如此,国内不少行业在信息技术(IT—Information Technology)产业不懈的理论导引下,已经开始着手实施CRM,有些“领先一步”的样板企业已经欣赏到了企业盛开的“CRM之花”,并期待着迎接硕果累累的收获季节的来临。然而国内有关旅游企业实施CRM的系统理论研究几乎是一片空白,在其他许多行业中已经被实践反复证明为企业商战“必杀技”和制胜“圣经”的CRM理论,却远未受到中国旅游业人士应有的关注,这一理论研究的滞后,将严重阻碍我国旅游企业客户关系管理能力的提高,妨碍CRM在中国旅游业中的应用和发展,进而最终动摇旅游产业在我国国民经济第三产业中的支柱地位。 有鉴于此,本文以企业管理从人、财、物的传统管理走向知识经济时代知识管理的大趋势为背景,整合国内外最新CRM理论,高度概括分析了以呼叫中心、数据仓库和数据挖掘等为代表的关系技术原理及其商业价值,展示了一幅CRM系统的全景图。并且着重从行业应用的角度,探讨旅游企业实施CRM的通用模式和战略,并分析了若干国内外有关行业的企业以及国外旅游企业成功实施CRM的经典案例,以便为中国的旅游企业能够从容应对入世带来的挑战,抓住有利的历史机遇,进一步根据企业各自的特点将CRM从理论探讨变为实践应用开启思路。同时也真诚、热切地企盼着对于CRM的研究能够在不久的将来成为中国旅游管理理论界的新热点。

【Abstract】 With further reforms and China’s entry into WTO, China’s travel industry is confronted with the unprecedented intense competition. After entry into WTO, China’s travel industry is in the face of much more austere challenges from the foreign counterparts. Comparatively, with abundant corporate capital, rich management experience and state-of-the-art technologies and techniques employed, foreign travel enterprises have already convert single tourism product into more complex integrated services, which have become the new profit zone. A change is a must, which is the determinant of sustainable development of travel industry in the new century.Owning the best customer seems to be the real everlasting secret of corporate success. Through the implementation of CRM (Customer Relationship Management), a panorama of corporate management would be supplied, higher-quality customer service would be possible, and with better customer communication capability endowed with, a greater number of customers would be won and a higher customer loyalty would be achieved. Western business practices have proved CRM the best way to build corporate core competence, to find a new profit zone and to achieve corporate sustainability. In the era of Knowledge Economy, CRM is based on Internet Information system rather than traditional notebook and paper. Only with the help of computer information system can the strategic goal of a higher customer satisfaction be achieved. With the limitation of a backward economy, the research in the field of CRM in China is relatively lagged behind. Even so, with continuous theoretical guidance of IT industry, a number of industries are taking measures to implement CRM. Some corporations even see the blooming of flowers of CRM and are expecting the fruits of CRM. However in China, little systematic research on CRM implementation of travel enterprises have been made and the attention paid to it is far from being enough. Backward in theory and research is doomed to be a block on the road to the enhancement of corporate CRM capability within China’s travel industry. Lacking sufficient CRM capability is sure to impair the status of travel industry as a supporting one within China’s tertiary industry. Therefore, set in the background of knowledge economy and knowledge management trend, this thesis integrates the state-of-the-art CRM theory at home and abroad, highly generalizes and analyzes the principles and application foreground of relationship technologies such as Call Center, Data Warehouse and Data Mining. Focused on travel industry, this thesis tries to discuss the CRM strategy and establish a CRM implementation framework. Some classic successful CRM implementation case in point study is expected to inspire when specific enterprises facing their own CRM challenges and to help turn theory into practice. More and further research on CRM in travel industry is expected.

  • 【分类号】F592.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】882

