

【作者】 王文悦

【导师】 汪莹;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪是信息化的世纪,信息正以其前所未有的迅猛态势渗透到社会的方方面面。信息量爆炸、信息传递速度快捷、信息传播途径多样作为信息化时代的三大特点,直接冲击着我们传统语文阅读教学的模式。阅读能力向来居于语文四大能力之首,阅读教学是语文素质教育的“重中之重”。换句话说,信息化社会从根本上对阅读教学在社会中的意义、价值,以及对阅读教学的目的、内容和模式产生了深刻影响,树立新的阅读教学理念已是当务之急。 本文从信息化时代如何改变人类原有的社会生存空间谈起,主要探讨信息化时代如何进行有效的阅读教学。生活在信息时代的中学生面临丰富的阅读方式,如何选择阅读文本很关键。信息化时代要求中学生具备综合的阅读能力:信息管理的能力;同时具备精读、略读、快读的能力;学会提问、讨论;阅读的实践精神。语文教师需树立开放的阅读教学观,建立有利于发展学生潜能的阅读评价机制。针对信息时代中学生的阅读心态建立行之有效的阅读策略至关重要,这无疑对语文教师提出了挑战。国外阅读学理论比我国阅读学理论早出现一百多年,加上他们教育信息化程度高,所以一些发达国家的信息化阅读教学理论及实践不乏有许多值得我们借鉴的经验。 本论文拟达到的目标是:通过形成新的且适应信息化时代特征的阅读教学理念及建立行之有效的阅读教学策略,使学生的阅读能力和思想认识水平能适应变幻万千的信息化社会需要,增强他们自主阅读能力发展,满足他们自身发展需求,培养具有发散性思维、批判性思维和创造性思维的创新型人才。

【Abstract】 The 21st century is the information era. Information, as a mean of life, has penetrated into every aspect of our society like never before. Information explosion, information highway, and multimedia are three main characteristics of the new information era and they have a direct impact on our traditional educational model of Chinese reading. Reading capability has always been the most important element in four of the Chinese language learning requirements, and that’s why it is been set as the "top of the top" in Chinese language teaching practice. Establishing a new teaching model for reading becomes our top priority. In another word, information has a profound impact on the meaning, the value, the objective, the content, and the method of reading education within our society.This article starts out on how information era changes human spices’ social living environment, then emphasizes on how we should adapt reading education to the new world. High school students in the new era have tremendous reading resources,but the key to success is to select the correct reading material. Information era requires them acquire comprehensive reading capabilities, including:l)managing information flow; 2) read fast, read smart, and detail oriented; 3) knowing how to develop questions;4)test the knowledge from reading in practice. In order to help students achieve this goal, Chinese language teachers should have an open mind and build an evaluation system which can encourage students to explore theirpotentials. The vital step in building this system is to develop an effective reading strategy specifically tailored to high school students’ reading pattern. It’s no doubt this brings challenges on all Chinese language teachers. Many countries with advanced information technology started to develop reading theories one century prior to China and their theories and practices in reading education provided valuable learning resources to Chinese language teachers.The objective of this article is:through forming a new educational principle which will adapt to the new information era, and constructing anew educational strategy for reading, assist students develop their need for reading and enhance their reading capabilities. The goal is to foster creative students who can think out of the box, think real, and has the ability to adapt to the ever changing world.

  • 【分类号】G633.33
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】482

