

The Professional Development of Primary and Middle School In-service Teachers: Reflection and Research

【作者】 英配昌

【导师】 范国睿; 冯大鸣;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 教育的方方面面都与教师专业直接或间接相关。时代要求对制度化的学校教育进行革新。教育创新的落实依赖课程教材的改变、教学实务与行为的改变、教师的教学理念与理解之改变,任何特定的教育创新都必须和教师专业发展携手并进。但是,如何实现教师从职业走向专业是一个世界范围内的难题。国外关于教师专业发展之研究起步相对较早,并已经取得了丰硕的成果;我国近一时期教师专业发展研究蓬勃兴起,但还没有对实践中的教师专业发展起到推波助澜的作用,还不能有效促进教师专业发展。 本研究认为,教师专业发展既要有理想的长远目标,又要有阶段的现实目标。理想的教师专业发展目标是形成教师的教育智慧;现实的阶段目标是在尽可能关注教师知识、情意因素的情况下,突出能力因素,尤其是教学能力,促进教师专业发展。 整个研究分为六大板块。导言部分引出问题并对研究现状进行分析;第一章基于现实从法的维度(包含教师的权利与义务两个方面)论述教师专业化是一个漫长的过程;第二章对当前促进教师专业发展的几种主要途径进行现状分析,包括学历教育、职务培训、校本培训和自我教育,评判其在教师专业发展过程中的作用及不足;第三章阐述教师专业发展的理想目标,并从现实出发论证教师专业发展的现阶段目标;第四章探索教师专业发展的有效途径,对促进教师专业发展业已存在的主要形式予以重新思考;最后得出结论:教师专业发展需要有理想的目标指向,但更应该有特定发展阶段的现实目标,以有效促进教师专业发展,同时,需要社会各界的齐心协力。

【Abstract】 All the aspects of education are related to the teachers’ profession directly or indirectly. The new tunes calls a revolution on the institutional education. The education innovation relies on the changes of curriculum, teaching practice and behavior and the changes on teachers’ education idea and comprehension. Any specific education innovation has to go abreast with teachers’ professional development. However, it is a world problem on how to transfer teacher from a career to a profession. Foreign researches on this have a relatively earlier beginning than we and now they have already gained some achievements. During recent years, domestic researches on this field are also prosperous, but they show no effective promotion on our teachers’ professional development.In this study, the author holds the idea that teachers’ professional development should have an ideal long-term goal and certain realistic aim on the different phases. The ideal teachers’ professional development goal is to form teachers’ education wisdom; the realistic phase aim is to emphasis the teachers’ ability factors, especially the teaching ability together with the concerns on teachers’ knowledge and emotional factors.The whole study is divided into six parts. The guide part presents the question and makes an analysis on the current situation. The first part discusses teachers’ professional development is a long process from the real law point of view. The second part analysis advantages and disadvantages of several ways in practice nowadays in teachers’ professional development, such as diploma education, post training, school-based training and self-education. The third part discusses the ideal goal and the current aim of teachers’ professional development. The fourth part makes research on effective ways of teachers’ professional development, re-evaluates the current ways in using. In the last part, the author concludes that teachers’ professional development should have ideal goal, more important, should have the realistic aim on certain phase, this also requires joint efforts of the whole society.

【关键词】 教师专业发展目标能力
【Key words】 teachers’ professional developmentgoalaimability
  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】778

