

【作者】 胡瑞峰

【导师】 陈永明;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士


【摘要】 大力发展教育事业,提高全民族的素质,把沉重的人口负担转化为人力资源的优势,这是时代向教育发出的召唤。教师,无疑在实现这一宏伟目标的过程中担当着极其重要的角色。因此,必须认真研究中学教师队伍的现状,进而采取一系列的变革和调整措施,力争在观念上、制度上有所突破,用现代教育理念去重新优化中学教师队伍;同时也要鼓励广大中学教师本着对工作、对事业高度负责的热情自觉地投入到教育改革的前沿去探索、去实践,不断地提升自身的专业素养,以满足我国、特别是象上海这样国际大都市对新世纪中学教育发展的需求。 事实证明任何先进的教育理论,都不能离开教育工作的实际,否则其存在的价值会失去生命力。所以在探讨中学教师队伍建设时,既要注重教育理论的研究,更要加强在理论指导下的实践工作。 本文论从当今中学教育的实际出发,提出学校的设备、设施和办学规模与中学教师的教学理念、教学行为的改变;学历、职称与中学教师的教学绩效的提高;教育经费、工作环境、福利待遇与中学教师的工作积极性的调动及丰富优质的教育资源与素质教育的开展等问题。通过对中学教师队伍基本情况的分析,在参照与借鉴有关学术研究成果的基础上,进一步探讨了中学教师专业素养的结构、内容及培养方法,针对国际教师教育的最新进展,阐述了在新形势下提高中学教师专业素养的途径。 本文通过对进才中学这一教育实践领域的剖析,感到她之所以能在短时间内取得超过预期的社会声誉,与其对基础教育理性的思索和执着的追求有着紧密的关系,而教师队伍建设上的成功举措更是起着决定性的作用。面临新的形势、新的机遇,进才中学如何树立更高的品质、更好的形象,更加赢得社会各界的信赖,本论文通过探讨与研究认为:除了进才中学的管理者必须要有超前的思想和精心的设计外,还应结合中学教师专业素养的结构、内容、培养方法及现代人力资源管理理论,必须对进才中学教师队伍建设的经验与教训进行反思,根据现代教师教育理论及进才中学进一步发展的要求,对其教师队伍的建设工作提出了自己的5点思考。

【Abstract】 In order to develop education and to better the quality of life for the whole nation, we have to turn the heavy burden of a large population into an advantage of human resources, which is the primary need of our time. Needless to say, teachers play an important role on attaining this goal. Therefore, the author holds that we should create a study of the makeup of faculty, adopt a series of reform, readjust approaches, make a breakthrough in educational conceptions and systems and to retrain high school teachers with modern educational ideas. Meanwhile, we should encourage teachers to responsibly and voluntarily be involved in educational reform to better their own academic quality so as to meet the needs of secondary education.No advanced educational theory can last long without practice. Thus, when we discuss the makeup of high school teachers, not only should we place emphasis on educational theory, but also on practice under the direction of theory.This article, according to the situation that exists in the field of secondary education of today, raises these main points:1. Importance of school equipment.2. Enlargement of schooling scope.3.Change of teachers’ educational ideas and process.4. Higher educational degrees of the faculty.S.Promotion of teachers’ professional titles.6.Improvement of teaching efficiency of high school teachers.7.Development of educational fund.8. Working conditions and welfare of the teachers.9.Mobilization of enthusiasm of teachers.10.Enrichment of educational resources.11. Development of educational quality.Through the analysis of faculty and also on the basis of educational research by researchers, this article has a further discussion on the construction, content and fostering method of the professional quality of high school teachers.Through the analysis of an individual school, Jin Cai High School, the author holds that the social reputation that Jin Cai High School has gained has exceeded people’s expectation. The administrators of Jin Cai High School are always rationally considering secondary education and firmly pursing developmental goals. Furthermore, the makeup of the faculty plays a critical part in the success of Jin Cai High School.Faced with new situations and opportunities, Jin Cai High School continuously strives to better its quality, to have a progressive viewpoint, and to gain more trust of the students and of the community at large. This article suggests that the school administrators should reflect on their former experiences and lessons learned and foresightedly apply this knowledge for the benefit of the school.

  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】951

