

【作者】 常晓虹

【导师】 黄书光;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国教育史, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 新中国成立初期,国内各项事业百废待兴,国际上仍存在着敌对的势力,政府作出了向已有多年社会主义建设经验的苏联学习的选择。苏联的集体主义教育理论在这一背景下进入中国。 苏联的集体主义教育理论主要是通过建国初期苏联教育家著作的引进和中苏两国的教育交流而传入中国的。新中国成立初期,为学习苏联先进教育经验,我国教育界引进了大量苏联的教育著作,这些著作中涉及到的有关集体主义教育理论的内容成为学习的对象。当时我国专门派团出访苏联,学习苏联的先进经验;同时,许多苏联教育专家来华讲学,集体主义教育理论在这个过程中为我国教育界所熟悉。 苏联的集体主义教育理论深刻地影响了我国的德育理论。在其传入新中国后,首先引起了领导人的注意,毛泽东同志曾在他自己的著作中论及过集体主义,同时,这一原则也成为毛泽东共产主义道德思想的基本原则。在新中国成立初期出版的各类教育学教材中,对集体主义教育的论述随处可见,其内容普遍以苏联的译著为参照,并非常强调阶级性。而从文革后出版的教育著作看,这一现象已不普遍,理论界开始更多地关注集体与个人的关系,关注人的个性。 苏联的集体主义教育理论在教育实践领域同样留下了很深的烙印。我国各个时期制定的教育政策都反复强调要培养学生的集体主义观念。在课程的要求上更是体现了重视培养学生集体主义观念的思想。在实践中,最能体现集体主义观念的班级管理工作也积累出一套原则和方法。 在社会改革和教育改革的洪流中,是坚持集体主义教育,还是放弃集体主义教育,是坚持通过集体教育学生,还是脱离集体进行教育,仍是德育理论和实践的重要课题。本文在对苏联集体主义教育理论传入新中国的过程进行考察的基础上,观察其对新中国教育的影响,以期在学习国外教育理论时,找到借鉴之路和独立处理问题的思路。

【Abstract】 During the initial period of the People’s Republic of China was founded, full-scale reconstruction is under way at home, while there are still hostile forces in the world.The government made the choice that we learn from USSR who had had socialist construction experience of many years. Collectivism education theory from USSR was disseminated into China on this very background.Collectivism education theory from USSR was mainly disseminated into China through the way that education works disseminated from USSR and communication between USSR and P.R. of China. During the initial period when new China founded, to learn advanced education experience from USSR, lots of education works from USSR disseminated into China, contents talking about collectivism education in these works became the object we would learn. We had sent education delegation visiting USSR to learn advanced experiece. Meanwhile many education experts from USSR gave lectures in China. Collectivism education theory was familiar to the educational circle in this process.Our moral education theory was deeply influenced by collectivism education theory from USSR. After it was disseminated into China, collectivism education theory had been brought to leader’s attention. Chairman Mao Zhedong had talked about collectivism in his own works, and the collectivism principle has been a basic principle of Mao Zhedong’s communist morality ideology. In kinds of pedagogy teaching material published during the initial period when China founded, exposition about collectivism education could be seen everywhere, they generally consulted works from USSR, and bore strong class character. While seeing from education works published after the Cultural Revolution, this phenomenon was not popular, theoreticican circle began to pay more attention to the relationship between collectivization and individual, to individuality of a person.The same deep influence went into practice area when collectivism education theory from USSR disseminated into China. Policy of every period all emphasize that we should develop students’sense of collectivism. Requirements on curriculum also reflected the idea to pay attention to it. In. practice area, a series of principle and method were accumulated in class management which reflects collectivism.In the trend of society reform and education reform, whether to adhere collectivism education or to give up it, whether to persist in developing studentsthrough collectivization or to develop them out of collectivization, are still important tasks in moral education theory and practice. The thesis will observe the influence oneducation of new China on the basis that studying the course of collectivism education theory from USSR disseminated into China, and will find method to use for reference and idea to solve problem on one’s own when learning education theory abroad.

  • 【分类号】D232
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】426

