

【作者】 丁晓良

【导师】 倪文锦;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 阅读策略是学习策略在语文阅读中的表现形式。具体是指阅读主体在阅读过程中,根据阅读任务、目标及阅读材料特点等因素所选用的促进有效理解的规则、方法和技巧。与传统的阅读方法相比,阅读策略更具有概括性、条件性和权变性。 本论文置身国内外学习策略研究的大背景,瞄准素质教育的总目标,立足中学语文教学的现状,探讨阅读策略及其教学问题。试图以此作为开展语文阅读教学改革的一个方向,提高语文阅读教学效率的一个抓手,有效培养学生阅读能力的一个突破口。 根据中学语文阅读教学的主要任务和要求,阅读策略大致包括筛选信息策略、概括信息策略、推理信息策略、质疑解疑策略。 筛选信息策略是阅读过程中面对读物中纷繁的材料和观点筛选出重要观点和重要材料的方法和手段。学生学会筛选信息的前提一是能够识别文章中信息的价值,二是掌握各种筛选信息的方法。这些方法是:(1)在文章的关键部位提取重要信息;(2)在略过“枝蔓”后提取重要信息;(3)在提示语后提取重要信息;(4)在详细描述处提取重要信息;(5)捕捉句子主干提取重要信息。 概括信息策略是指简明扼要地写出所读材料内容要点的方法与技巧。学生学会概括的关键是学会概括段旨和概括文旨。概括段旨的方法主要有:(1)摘句法;(2)联合法;(3)归纳法;(4)替换法。概括文旨的技巧主要有:(1)抓标题;(2)抓起始;(3)抓结尾;(4)抓文眼;(5)抓线索;(6)抓背景;(7)抓抒情议论句。 推理信息策略是指读者在具体的语言环境中,运用自己原有的知识和文章提供的信息创造出新的语义信息。阅读中最有用的是借助推理策略推导语词的未知信息、推导言语的隐含信息和推导篇章的脱落信息。 质疑与解疑是阅读中完整思维的两个阶段。质疑策略包括阅读中学生发现疑惑并提出问题的条件(教师示范、创设情境)和途径(在比较中质疑、在“无疑处”质疑、在看似缺陷处质疑、在想象中质疑、对作者的表述质疑、对教师的讲解质疑、对权威的观点质疑)。解疑策略包括几种解决问题的方法与技巧(激活认知结构中的相关知识、辨明问题的特征或要求、选择最佳突破口、化整为零解剖问题)等。 阅读策略可教,但它不同于一般语文知识的教学。有效的阅读策略教学必须遵循特有的原则和按照特定的步骤。这些原则主要有:(1)阅读策略与阅读材料相结合;(2)讲解传授与实际演练相结合;③模仿应用与发现创造相结合。关键步骤是:(1)定向;(2)解释;(3)演示;(4)总结;⑤迁移练习。

【Abstract】 Reading tactics is manifestation of studying tactics applying into Chinese reading. In detail, it means that people of reading subject select some effective rules, methods and techniques to promote understanding, in line with reading assignments and objectives and its material characteristics, etc.In contrast to traditional reading ways, reading tactics is a more generality, prerequisite and flexibility in tactics.This paper place itself in studying tactics research background at home and abroad, aim at quality education general objective, probe into reading tactics and relative education issues. Seek to take this as an orientation to launch an education change of Chinese reading, a handle to promote efficiency of Chinese reading and teaching, a breakthrough gap to cultivate students reading ability effectively.In accordance with principal tasks and requirements of Chinese reading education in the middle schools, reading tactics roughly including these tactics: selecting information, generalizing information, reasoning information, questioning and dispelling it.Selecting information tactics is an important way and means to select important viewpoints and materials in confronting the complexity of materials and viewpoints of reading process. Students learn to select information on the premises that one side they can distinguish information value in the articles, the second side they can grasp various ways in selecting information. These ways are: (1) picking up important information from key aspects in article; (2) picking up important information after getting rid of "branches";(3) picking up important information following prompting language;(4) picking up important information in detailed description;(5) catch main clause to pick up important information.Generalize information tactics refer to methods and skills of writing the main ideas of the reading materials. The key for the students to learn to summarize is to learn to generalize the main ideas of each paragraph and the whole article. Methods to generalize the main idea of paragraph:( 1) make clauses extracts; (2) combination; (3) induction; (4) displace. The skills to generalize the main idea of paragraph:(1) stress heading;(2) stress beginning;(3) stress ending;(4) stress core; (5) stress clues; (6) stress background; (7) stress lyric/argumentation sentences.Reasoning information tactics refer to readers make use of originally possessed knowledge and information offered from article to create new semantic meaning information in special language circumstances. The most important thing of reading is to deviate uncertain information from words and phrases, derivative implying information of speech and derivative sections and chapters dropped information, with the aid of reasoning tactics.Question and dispelling suspicion are in the two stages of integrated thoughts in reading process. Question tactics include that students find knotty problem and put forward its condition (demonstration of teacher, create conditions) and ways (question by contrast, in "without suspicion" place, in drawbacks, in imagination, and question author’s statement, question teachers’ explanation ,question viewpoints of authority). Dispelling suspicion include several methods and skills (Activate relative knowledge of cognitive construction, make a clear distinction characters or requirements from problems, select the best breakthrough gap, discomposing analyze problems).Reading tactics is feasible to teach students, but vary from Chinese knowledge teaching. Effective reading tactics teaching must follow peculiar regulations and according to specific steps. Such regulations are as follows: (1) combine reading tactics with materials; (2) combine imparting knowledge with demonstration of themselves; (3) combine imitating usage with finding creativity. These steps are: (1) orientation; (2) interpret; (3) demonstrate; (4) generalize;(5) moving exercise.

【关键词】 语文阅读策略教学
【Key words】 Chinesereading tacticseducation
  • 【分类号】G633.33
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】884

