

【作者】 孙孝华

【导师】 冯大鸣;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 网络正以惊人的速度,将其触角延伸到全球的每一个角落,拓展到社会的无数领域,正在成为人类生活的一个部分,网络介入学生生活已是客观现实。从学校管理的角度来说,学生网络生活及管理对策应当是一个有待我们研究的新课题。本文采用理论与实证研究相结合的方法,具体运用问卷法、个案分析法、访谈调查法等定量与定性的技术手段,试图比较深入地了解本市高中学生的网络生活现状,整理一份学生网络生活现状究竟如何的实证资料,并在此基础上努力为政府、区(县)教育局相关职能部门以及学校管理者提供某些引导高中生网络生活的对策和建议。 本文在第一部分主要为问题的提出阐明了两点理由:一是随着网络事业在我国的迅速发展,学生网民的日益增多,网络正日益影响着中学生的生活;二是指出了目前教育界对网络影响的关注有失平衡。 文章的第二部分归纳总结了有关国外、国内的网络介入教育现状、对学生网络生活的引导与管理以及网络伦理等几个方面的文献材料,从而进一步指出本研究试图突破的重点,即在实证研究的基础上,分析学生网络生活的现状并提出具有一定操作性的管理对策建议。 文章的第三部分具体介绍了有关的研究方法与步骤。 文章的第四部分详细分析介绍了定量、定性研究结果。定量研究是通过对学生、班主任的问卷数据统计;定性研究则是通过对某区德育室、某四所学校的走访、有关督导人员的访谈、三家网吧的暗访以及个别高三学生访谈。在对结果进行整理的基础上,进行了分析。 文章的第五部分得出有关结论并分别从政府、区德育室、督导室、学校、教师和家长层面,提出了一些对策和建议。

【Abstract】 In the present, Internet has entered every region of the world and every field of the society. Mankind is entering Internet era. Today it is true that Internet life has already become major life in school students’ life. From the management of school, network life of secondary school students and its management countermeasures should become a new research topic and get wide attention. So the paper uses the research method of theory and practice qualitative approach and quantitative approach. The research presents the characteristic of some schools in Shanghai in order to know the present situation of Shanghai senior high school students’ network life. The author provides demonstrative materials for the circumstances of students’ network life. The paper provides new ideals and new method for school management in network society.In the first section, firstly, according to developing of Internet. Network and network life problem of school is introduced. Students are more interested in network than before. Internet affect students’ life greatly. Secondly, the paper points out the education aspects pay less attention to network affection at present. We are concerned for the question of network affection out of balance.In the second section, according to lots of data and information, the situation of network life of senior high schools students is analyzed and sum up some relevant literature, such as domestic and foreign network affect the present of education and how to guide students’ network life, etc. The paper based on investigating some information about schools’ network, analyses the present situation of students’ network life, proposes some systematic and practical management countermeasure and suggestions.The author introduces some methods and steps of study in the third section.In the fourth section, the quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis are introduced-in detail. In respect of the quantitative analysis, according to the questionnaires to the students and class teachers in senior high schools in Shanghai. The qualitative analysis section , according to the interviews to some supervisors and a student in senior. At the same time, the author pay visits to three network bars in secret and to moral education department in one district in Shanghai. Some analysis results can be drawn from the decision.In the last section, the author based on some conclusions, offers some management countermeasures and suggestions from several aspects which are government, moral education and supervisory department, schools, teachers and the students parents.

  • 【分类号】G635.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】343

