

【作者】 刘竑波

【导师】 吴志鋐; 郑金洲;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育学, 2002, 硕士


【摘要】 教师素质是中国实施素质教育的基本保证,教师专业发展是中国教育走向现代化的基本前提。所以,对现实中的教师专业发展现状进行考察与研究就显得十分必要。由于教师专业发展研究涉及面的宽广,本文把研究范围设定在:以多元智能理论作为促进中小学教师专业发展的中介,通过实践研究的方式,对中小学教师现有的课堂教育教学专业行为及其相关教育理念做出考察,试图以此说明现实中的教师专业发展现状,并提出相应的改进对策。 在理论研究部分,本文通过文献综述,探究“教师专业发展”的历史由来与现实态势;分析多元智能理论是如何以其看待人类智力潜能的崭新视角,影响教师的教育理念和课堂教学行为,并进而成为现实中教师专业发展的有效动力的。整个研究过程始终定位在“课堂”这个教师的主要工作场所,并把身处其中的教师的教学品质及其专业行为表现作为分析现实中教师专业发展状况的主要依据。 在实践研究部分,本文采取定量研究(问卷调查)与定性研究(校长、教师访谈和课堂案例分析)相结合的研究方法,借助于多元智能理论的独特视角和已有研究成果,观察、解释和分析现实中教师专业发展的表现及其内涵,概括并揭示实践研究中发现的一些问题,旨在引起反思。 通过对现实中的教师专业发展状况的考察和分析发现:在学习和实践多元智能理论的过程中,不同学校的中小学教师都有不同程度的专业成长,但发展很不平衡,在许多方面都是共识与差异并存,而且,教师们的“认识”和“行为”之间的距离也不容小视。此外,学校评价、激励教师的价值取向和机制,往往构成最具体和具有直接影响力的教师专业发展的心理动力环境和教学行为选择前提。 在研究结论部分,本文提出一些促进教师专业发展的现实建议:在职教师应主动提升自己的教育教学理论素养,增强日常教学中的研究意识,在工作中成为积极和自觉的研究者;中小学教师在研究对象和研究方法方面,应有别于专业理论研究者,可以采取行动研究和个案研究的方式;教师专业发展的成果形式也应多元化;同时,学校和社会应为教师专业发展营造更为宽松和积极的环境。 研究还将继续,现实中的教师专业发展同样如此:没有最好,只有更好。

【Abstract】 The teacher’s quality is the basic guarantee that our quality education could be put into effect. The teacher’s professional development is the basic prerequisite that Chinese education is heading for modernization. Therefore, it’s really important to investigate the present situation of teacher’s professional development. As the result of the searching field of teacher’s professional development is so broad, the writer limited the study field in this paper: Using the theory of multiple intelligences (MI theory) as the medium, to observe the teacher’s professional behavior in the classroom and the relevant educational idea by way of practice research, trying to explain the present situation of the teacher’s professional development, and putting forward the relevant improving ways.In the part of theory research, the paper made a thorough inquiry of the history and present situation of the teacher’s professional development by way of document summarization, and analyzed the influential way of multiple intelligences theory to teacher’s mind and behavior, especially indicated that the classroom, as the major working place of teachers, is the best place in which the levels of the teacher’s professional development being reflected. The practice research of the multiple intelligences theory also provided the effective motive power and brand-new visual angle, and became the fulcrum of the research.In the part of practice research, the paper took use of the combined methods of the quantitative research (questionnaire) and qualitative research (case-study and talking with the principals and teachers), studied and explained and analyzed the actual performance and the connotation of the teacher’s professional development by using the MI theory, summarized and exposed the relevant questions during the research, also provided some suggestions to promote teacher’s reflective thinking.After the observing and analyzing the situation of the teacher’s professional development, It can be found that although teachers in different elementary and secondary schools have developed their professions on different levels, the development are quite unbalanced. The common ground and difference in different part of the professional development existed in the same time. The distance between recognition and action could not be looked down upon. Moreover, the school evaluation and the value and excitation mechanism always construct the most concrete and influential psychological motive force environment and the selecting premise of teaching practice.In the part of conclusion, the paper put forwards some effective suggestions for the teacher’s professional development: the teachers at their posts should promote their quality in the field of educational theory, enforce their study idea during the daily teaching practice and become the active and conscious researchers. Teachers in elementary and secondary schools should study by way of case-study and behavior-study which are different from the way that otherprofessional researchers have ever done. The form of the achievements of the teacher’s professional development should also be varied. Moreover, the school and the society should provide the more active and comfortable environment for the teacher’s professional development.The study is still going on, so does the teacher’s professional development. The best description of the process may be like this: Always to be better.

  • 【分类号】G451
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1477

