

【作者】 张巍

【导师】 郑金洲;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来,随着我国教育体制改革的不断深化,民办中小学校迅猛发展。据统计,截止至2000年,我国民办小学已达4341所,占小学总数的0.78%,在校生达130.81万,占小学阶段在校生总数的1.00%;民办普通中学(含初中、高中)有3316所,占普通中学部数的4.30%,在校生达149.47万人,占普通中学在校中学生总数的2.00%(元华:《2000年我国民办教育情况最新统计数字》,《中国教育报》,2001年3月6日,第四版),并且到2010年实现“基本上形成公办学校和民办学校共同发展的新格局”,为民办学校的发展提供了难得的发展机遇和发展空间。然而,面对目前的教育改革局面,民办中小学校长队伍状况逐渐暴露了明显的不适应,成为整个教育管理中制约发展的“瓶颈”,因此面对我国加入WTO后的新形势,针对我国民办教育事业发展的新阶段,职务校长已逐渐向职业校长演变。如何改变民办学校校长队伍年龄老化、观念滞后、管理落后等现状,成为教育事业整体发展中的“短板”。本文试图以河北省为个案,通过探讨民办学校校长队伍的现状、原因及对策,为新时期民办学校的发展助一臂之力,使其在管理队伍素质的提高、校本特色的创建方面产生更为显著的飞跃。 本文所讨论的民办学校是指建校十年以上、在校生规模千人以上、由私营企业或个人投资创建的中学或完全中学,而校企联合、政企联合、中外合作及民办公助等办学模式不在其中。 一、民办学校校长队伍的现状。因为此类民办学校的建校当在我国民办教育发展初期,办学管理人员大部分是教育系统内的离退休人员,所以出现了以下几个特点:1、年龄大。2、受教育程度偏低,教育科研能力不够。3、缺乏先进的教育思想和独到的办学思路,多以传统公立学校模式为“蓝本”管理民办学校。4、不适度地偏重教学管理而对教育经营管理重视不足。校长队伍的素质状况与我们提倡的素质教育思想、校本管理特色和开放教育的发展趋势相距甚远,不改革无以谈及提高和发展。 二、探求造成目前状况的原因。到目前为止,我国民办教育发展历史总共只有20年,而长足的发展也只是从1993年国家提出“积极鼓励、大力支持、正确引导、加强管理”的十六字方针后才开始,随着1998年教育部《面向21世纪教育振兴行政计划》的提出的“今后3—5年,基本形式以政府办学为主体,社会各界共同参与、公办学校和民办学校共同发展的办学体制”后,继而于1999年中共中央国务院《关于深化教育改革,全面推行素质教育的决定》的颁布,私立学校才进入了一个新的发展阶段。所以,在如此短的时间内,实施过程中与政策相应的操作层面的制度如人事制度等的不配套,加上学校内部微观管理体制的不健全,出现了上述现象,归其原因:1、传统的考试制度决定了校长人才市场需求的价值取向。2、民办学校的“国办化”管理,基本满足了应试生存的需求,这些校长无需积蓄科研后劲,无需具备多少开发校内课程特色的能力,这一能力的大小并不影响其生存。3、学校内部不规范的“董事会领导下的校长负责制”充其量只发挥了校长“教导主任”的有限责任,致于学校的发展规划、经费的预算、审核等已由董事长之类的投资者取代包办,有无经营能力和经济意识尚显无关紧要,再者投资人想找到精明的校长又谈何容易,“瘸腿的校长”也是投资者无奈的选择。 三、思考改进民办学校校长队伍的策略。要改变校长队伍的状况,在找出原因后,宜从社会的整体和各个层面探求其对策:1、改革教育评价制度,制定出符合素质教育思想的评价标准和考试制度,促使新型管理人才一现代化校长步入市场,脱颖而出。2、改革教育用人制度,广开校长选拔门路,规范校长的任用、评价和培训工作管理。3、规范学校内部管理体制,营造出科学、规范的校长使用环境。 总之,民办学校是社会体系中的一个有机组成部分,校长队伍整体素质的提高,既离不开社会经济的总体发展水平,更不能脱离政府的宏观管理、学校内部管理体制的科学化和现代化及校长自身素质的提高,只有上下齐动,目标一致,才能使老校长焕发生机,才能为新人辈出创造出适宜的环境。

【Abstract】 With the reform of educational system continuously deepened, the private middle and primary schools have swiftly developed since 1990s. The number of the private primary schools in China has come to 4341 schools, occupying 0.78% of the nation’s total primary schools and the school-going population has come to 1,308,100, occupying 1.00% of the nation’s total school-going population in primary school.The number of the private middle schools (including: junior middle school and senior middle school) has come to 3316 schools, occupying 4.3% of the nation’s total middle schools and the school-going population has reached 1,494,700, occupying 2.00% the nation’s total school-going population in middle school. YuanHua: the Latest statistics on Private Education in China. China Education Daily By 2010, Basically Forming New Pattern of Jointly Developing of Schools Run by State and by Local People will have been realized, so the development of private school will have offered rare developing opportunities , and meanwhile the state of the headmasters of the privaye schools hasn’t adapted themselves to the need of educational reform, and become "a bottle neck" restricting the development of education. So in view of the new situation of our country’s entering WTO and the new developing stage of privateeducational , a post headmaster has gradually evolved to a prepositional headmaster. How to solve the problem of headmasters’ becoming old, their stagnating minds and lagging management will become key points. Otherwise they will be "the short board" . This article tries to approach a subject on the condition, the course and strategy of the headmasters in private school in Hebei province in order to give a hand to the development of the privet schools in a new stage, and produce a remarkable jump in the improvement of the managers’ quality and the establishment of the school features.This paper discusses these private schools which were founded more than ten years with school-going population more than 1000 people and which were invested by the private enterprises and the individuals, excluding the joint school-enterprise, schools, the joint government-enterprise schools and the schools run by local people and subsidized by the state . The main problems are: I. The state of the private school headmasters the schools founded atthe early stage of the private education. Most managing people arethe retired people in the education system. So they show these characteristics:1. Old age. 2. Low education, lack of the quality to do research work. 3. Lack of advanced educational ideas and the unique characteristicthinking, based on the traditional state-owned school to run private schools model. 4. Laying undue stress on the teaching management and lack of emphasis on the educational management. The conditions of the headmasters go far away from the quality teaching idea, management characteristics and the open education. Without reformation, there will be no improvement and development. II. Probing into the cause of the current state.At present, in the view of the management reality of the private school headmasters in our province, the private schools have a history of only 20 years in our country. So is the case with Hebei Province. They have had a remarkable development since 1993. Our country offered a policy "active encouragement, great support, correct guidance and enhancing management." In 1998 the Education Department proposed "the educational administration developing vigorusly plan facing the 21st century", which says "from 3 to 5 years later , the basic form is that the government mainly run the majority of the schools, that every walks of society join together, and that the private and state run school co-develop". And in 1999 the State Council published "Evolving the educational reform, totally pushing the quality education," Since then the private schools developed into a new stage. In such a short time, this process carrying out the policy couldn’t match the operating system such asperso

  • 【分类号】G522.74
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