

On the Teaching Method

【作者】 马菁

【导师】 熊川武;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2001, 硕士


【摘要】 课堂教学方式的变革是近年来我国教育理论界十分关注的热点问题。本文在分析比较“教学生听”、“教学生答”两种教学方式利弊得失的基础上,明确提出“教学生问”是一种新型的教学方式,具有较强的生命力和发展前景,它必将随着我国广大教师素质的提高,随着素质教育观念日益深入人心而为广大教师乐于采用。 全文共分两大部分。第一部分论述“教学生问”的理论基础和实践价值,主要从哲学基础、心理学依据、教学论要求及现实意义几个方面进行阐释。第二部分是本文的重点,就如何贯彻实施“教学生问”,从“想问”、“敢问”、“善问”、“好问”、“乐问”五个层面进行系统分析,为广大教师提供具体操作策略。 需说明的是,上述五个层次是相互作用、相互影响的,彼此之间难以截然分开,教师在实际操作过程中可以因人而异、因文而异、因时而异。

【Abstract】 The change of class teaching methods is a hot issue focused on in our educational and theoretical circles in recent years, after analyzing & comparing the advantages & disvantages of the two teaching methods : the teacher teaching while students listening passively and the teacher asking while students answering mechanically, the thesis puts forward cleary that a new teaching method, the teacher’ restimulating students to actively ask questions,has gteat vituality and good prospects. This new method will be popularly accepted by teachers in our country with the improvement of their qualities and their complete understanding of guality-orieateded education.This thesis falls into two parts. The first discusses the theoretical basis and practical value of the new method and expounds it mainly from its philosophical basis, psycho logical basis, requirements of teaching theory and current significance, the second is the focal point of the whole thesis,which analyzes systematicaly how to carry out the new method from five levels:eagerly asking, boldly asking, excellently asking, continuously asking and delightedly asking. This part provides teachers with practical operating strategies.One point must be clear that the above mentioned five levels are interactive and influent one another. No hard and fast line can be drawn between them, in teaching process, teachers can adopt different ways according to different people,different materials and different times.

  • 【分类号】G424.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】220

