

【作者】 孙献礼

【导师】 王钢;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育管理, 2001, 硕士


【摘要】 教学是学校里一项最主要的工作,是培养人才、实现教育目的的基本途径,教学评价是教学工作的一个重要组成部分。从评价主体看,目前,我国的教学评价有教师自评、同行互评、领导评价和学生评教。在这四个部分评价中,由于种种原因,中学学生评教却未得到应有的重视,这不仅不利于教师教学水平的提高,也不利于学生主动精神、判断能力、民主精神的养成。 作者查阅了大量资料文献,发现关于学生评教,国外在大学已进行了大量研究,并普遍实施;而中国的研究和实施也仅局限于大学,对中学生评教的研究则是一个空白。故本人拟从“中学生评教的影响因素”(重点是心理因素)为切入点,对上海市杨浦区普通高中的“学生评教”情况进行调查,并结合访谈,对调查结果进行分析,企望能为改进中学生评教工作提供一些启示。 本研究主要采用问卷调查的方法,并辅以访谈。 通过对调查和访谈的分析,作者发现: 上海市杨浦区普通高中都有形式上的“学生评教”,但评价机制不够完善。具体表现在:尽管绝大部分学校采取调查问卷方式,辅之以座谈,但评价的次数较少,评价结果的反馈渠道不畅,评价结果的使用不甚妥当,影响了学生评教工作的实效性。 作者进一步分析了影响学生评教科学性与实效性重要的心理因素: 在教师方面:教师大多承认学生有权利、有能力评价教师,也比较信任学生评教的有效性,但也存在着不同程度的顾虑;受到怀疑、防卫、应付等心理因素的影响。一半以上的教师对“学生评教”抱无所谓态度。 在学生方面:学生有能力从总体上评价教师教学,但具体指标不够科学、全面。在评价时普遍存在“参照效应”、“晕轮效应”、“兴趣效应”、“首因效应”、“成绩好坏”、“成见效应”等心理因素的影响。 针对上述心理影响因素,作者对改进中学生评教提出一些初步的建议: 明确评价目的,发挥评价功能;加强心理控制策略;完善“学生评教”机制;把“教的评价”和“学的评价”有机地结合起来等。 文章最后还提出了有待进一步研究的若干问题。

【Abstract】 Subject teaching is one of the key operations in school education. Moreover, it is essential to the achievement in education objectives. The evaluation of subject teaching represents a crucial part in the teaching and the subject teaching will not exist without evaluation. Basing it on the evaluated subject the evaluation systems in China’s current can be cataloged as the self-evaluation, the evaluation of colleagues, evaluation of the administrators and the evaluation of the students. Subject to certain reasons, among all the four aspects, the students’ evaluation has not put the otherwise enough attention to. That really thwarts the teachers from improving their teaching methodologies and the students’ initiative, ability of judging and spirit of democracy.On reading a huge amount of relevant materials, I have discovered that there has been a lot of research on the students’ evaluation system abroad and is widely implemented while it is still confined in universities and the researches on middle school students’ evaluation remains blank. Thereby, I try to take "the value of middle school students’ evaluation of subject teaching"(focusing on psychological elements) as the cut-in point of my research, expecting to get some valuable items. I carried out the research work in Yangpu Senior High School in Shanghai, doing some of the research on the system of learning, evaluating and teaching in the school along with some interview researches in other high schools in the district.This research is mainly done through questionnaires and interviews are also applied as auxiliary means.There does exist the system of students’ evaluation on teachers’ teaching in all high schools in YangPu district, while the system is not seriously adopted a sit should be and the system itself need a lot of improvement which is apparently represented as: although most schools carry out the evaluation by using questionnaires and interview, it is rarely done; moreover, there has been no feedback of the evaluation results. My further analysis on the psychological influence on students’ evaluation’s credibility and applicability is as follows:On the teachers’ side, in general, they acknowledge that students have the rights and ability to evaluate teachers and regard the evaluation credible and neutral. But there are emotions of worry, suspicion, defense. Half of the teachers take it as walking-throng.On the students’ side, however, they can evaluate teachers in general but are not clear about specific criteria. There are things that deviate students’ evaluation from neutral. These are comparing teachers, interest in specific subjects, first impression, bias and so on.Based on thinking of the above psychological influences, I have suggestions for the evaluation system-followed: Clarify the objectives of evaluation system and make it work and try to enforce the strategies of control over psychological effect. We also need to improve to perfect the system to make the system of evaluation on teaching and evaluation on learning organically jointed.

  • 【分类号】G632
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】242

