

【作者】 谢玉荣

【导师】 周震和;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 二十世纪九十年代初期,我国开始进行课程改革,1992年,国家教委颁发了《九年义务教育全日制小学、初级中学课程计划》,将“活动课程”作为课程结构的重要组成部分。 从历史上看,世界教育领域出现的种种“活动课程”有着不同的历史背景,每种背景下的“活动课程”又有着各自不同的渊源。从欧洲文艺复兴时期的人文主义教育家到近代的卢梭、裴斯泰洛齐、福禄培尔等学者,他们所倡导的尊重儿童个性的“活动教学”思想不断发展,不断促进欧美各国新教育运动的开展,并在不同程度上对后来杜威的“活动课程”理论产生了深刻的影响。19世纪末20世纪初,美国教育家以杜威为代表提出了“活动课程”思想,掀起了“进步教育运动”,深刻地影响了当时的中国教育者,推动了当时的中国教育改革。 但我国九十年代的新型“活动课程”不同于杜威及其追随者的一味与学科课程对立的“活动课程”。这种新型活动课程设置的目的恰恰是为了和学科课程形成优势互补,以便促进儿童素质的全面发展。依据这种新型的“活动课程”理论设计的“活动课”与“学科”的结合构成了学科类活动课。随着对我国新型“活动课程”的研究逐渐深入,对新型的中学“学科类活动课”的研究也逐渐展开。 语文学科是中学各学科的基础,它的性质决定了语文活动课的研究不应滞后。尤其是在目前语文学科课堂教学面临诸多亟待解决的问题的情况下,语文活动课的实施将对语文课堂教学产生积极的影响,与语文课堂教学相辅相成,共同促进学生个性的发展,提高学生运用语文的能力,并将有效地改造语文的课堂教学,使其更加符合语文学科教与学的客观规律。 本论文在汇总有关的研究成果的基础上,对我国语文活动课的概念、地位、性质、目的、原则、任务与特征等给出了明确的界定,介绍了国外语文活动课的实施情况和某些经验,探讨了国内语文活动课实施过程中存在的一些问题,提出了一定的解决方法,并点评了几种较为成功的语文活动课个案。希望本课题的研究能够为语文教师实施语文活动课提供一定的参考。

【Abstract】 The curriculum reform started in China in the early 1990s, and in 1992 ?Chinese Education Committee published "The Curriculum Plan for Nine-year Obligatory Education-Junior Middle School and Primary School". This plan has included "extracurricular Activities" as an important part of teaching, along with mandatory and elective courses, which constitute the three essential "plates" of concurrent teaching structure.Investigating the history, we know there has been different history background for various activity curriculums in the education field of the world. The activity curriculums from every background have their own origins. From European Renaissance humanism educators to neoteric Rousseau, Pestalozzi, and Frobel, the activity teaching idea to respect the enfant personality .which they sparked, has continually developed and continually promoted the new education movement in the Occident apiece country, giving profound effect to Dewey’s theory of the "activity curriculum". From the end of 19th century to the early 20th century, the American educators brought forward the idea of "activity curriculum", and John Dewey was their commissary. They led the "Progressive Education Movemenf.which deeply influenced the Chinese educators, and impulsed the Chinese education reform at that time.But the "activity curriculum" in our country in the 1990s, was different from Dewey’s and his adherents’ "activity curriculum", which blindly opposed to the "subject curriculum". The aim of setting this new type of "activity curriculum" is just complementary to the "subject curriculum" ,and accelerates the whole development of the children’s diathesis. The "activity class" projected according to the new type of "activity curriculum" combines with the "subject", and makes up "subject-activity class". As the researches on "activity curriculum" expand, the researches on middle school "subject-activity class" also flourish.Chinese as the basis for other subjects, its characteristic determines that "Chinese activity class" research should not lag behind other subjects. Especially when Chinese teaching is faced with many current immanent problems, the implementation of activity curriculum will have a positive influence on Chinese teaching. Besides, it will also help to develop the students’ personality, enhance the students’ language ability and create a more effective learning environment to optimize the teaching effect by utilizing the objective rules of teaching and learning.This paper collects previous research results, clarifies definition, position, quality, aim, principle, tasks and characteristics of Chinese activity class. It gives an introduction to the language activity class in other countries, and provides some solutions to several problems in Chinese activity class, including some successful case studies as references to teachers.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】450

