

The Impact of Class Size Reduction upon Effective Teaching

【作者】 于素红

【导师】 崔允漷;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 在小班化已成为最热门的教育改革话题之一的今天,有必要对小班化是否对教学有积极的影响进行研究。 本文共分三部分。 在第一部分,笔者对小班化的有关概念和小班化的原因进行了探讨。造成小班化的原因主要有三个:低人口出生率、更多的教育资源和专门的小班化的教育改革。 在第二部分,笔者重点就小班化对教学的影响进行了研究。小班往往有较好的物理环境,形成一种家庭似的更关心个人的氛围。小班能增加师生间的一对一的互动,能加强师生间的关系。小班有助于提高教师的士气。由于在小班中教师能用较少的时间维持纪律、管理班级,有更多的时间进行教学,教师对教学的满意度便提高了。在小班中,学生有更多的学术学习时间,教师可以运用更有效的教学方法并且可以进行更多的个别化教学,从而使小班教师的教学更有效。小班有益于学生的学习、行为和对班级的态度。在小学低年级小班有益于提高学生的学业成绩,有益于减少学生的行为问题,可以帮助学生在基本技能方面打下坚实的基础。 在第三部分,笔者对小班化时应该注意的问题提了一些建议。每个小班的规模应在一定范围内相对灵活。由于有研究表明,低年级学生、少数民族学生、来自低收入的家庭的学生从小班中受益最大,因此应优先选择这些学生。在小班化的过程中,还应重视教师的质量,为教师提供专业发展的机会。为了达到最佳的效果,应把小班化和其它的具有相关目的的计划结合起来。

【Abstract】 Reducing the size of school classes is one of the hottest topics of education reform today. It is worth researching if class size reduction makes a positive difference on effective teaching.This paper consists of three parts.Part one, I discuss the related concepts and why the class size reduction is a trend today. Lower population growth, more educational resources and more class size reduction as education reforms lend to lowing the class size.Part two, I emphatically discuss that class size reduction has a positive influence upon effective teaching. In small class, there is good physical environment. A more caring, personal family-like atmosphere develops in the classroom. Smaller class increases one-to-one interaction and promotes stronger bonds between pupils and teachers .Smaller class helps improve teacher morale. Teachers spend less time on discipline and classroom management and more time providing instruction to children. This raises their level of job satisfactory. In a smaller class, pupils have more academic learning time, teachers have more validated approaches and more individualization. Smaller class is good for pupils’ learning, behavior as well as attitude. Smaller class size at the beginning of the school experience does improve the performance of pupils. There is less misbehavior in a smaller class,. Smaller class can help lay a strong foundation in basic skills for young children.Part three, I will make some suggests about how to reduce the class size. In a small class, the number of pupils per class should be flexible under certain limit. Since research shows that children in the primary grades and minority and low-income children benefit most from smaller classes, it makes sense to direct resources particularly toward these children. The class size reduction program should include a strong emphasis on hiring fully qualified teachers and providing them with professional development opportunities. To be most effective, the class size reduction program should relate to other programs that have related purposes.

  • 【分类号】G424.4
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1249

