

Study on Classified Organization of Network Information Resources

【作者】 金芳

【导师】 刁维汉;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 情报学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 随着高新技术尤其是信息技术、网络通讯技术的迅速发展,因特网正在改变着整个世界,大量以数据库、超文本、多媒体等电子、数字形式存在的信息资源正逐步占据网络时代的主导地位。海量和迅捷是因特网迅速发展和被广泛应用的根本原因,同时也导致了一个严峻的问题一网络信息资源的无序性。 无序的信息资源,无法被人们所认识和有效利用,如何对网络信息资源进行科学、有效地组织是一项十分迫切又具有重要意义的基础性研究课题。目前,虽然在这方面已经取得了不少有价值的研究成果,但还不十分完善,仍有必要作进一步的深入研究。 信息组织是使信息资源有序化的唯一方法,它通过对信息的外部特征和内容特征进行分析、选择、标引、处理等,达到信息资源有序的目的。作者认为应用“图书馆员的思维”、知识组织的理论来指导,组织网络信息资源,才能达到网络信息资源的高度有序化,因为信息无论以什么形式传播,其知识属性都是不变的。作者在文中指出,网络信息资源组织的未来发展核心仍应是对信息内容的组织,无论是传统环境还是当今的网络环境,信息分类都是组织信息的重要方法。作为组织知识集合的基本方式、知识组织的工具之一,分类组织法的特性使其最有可能成为国际通用信息检索语言,成为跨世纪网络信息资源组织与揭示的工具。 本文运用情报检索语言的基本原理和方法,从讨论分类法组织揭示网络信息资源的优势、分类法在现有网络信息资源组织中的应用实践入手,对分类方法在网络信息资源组织中的整序——网络信息资源分类组织的理论和方法进行了深入研究。 一.在大量网络调查的基础上,提出可将分类方法在网络信息资源组织与揭示的应用分为非基于分类法的网络检索工具(分类搜索引擎)、基于分类法的网络检索工具两大类型。把前者视为网络环境下应运而生的网络信息分类组织方法,后者视为传统分类法在网上应用的尝试。并从分类检索语言的角度对两类检索工具的体系特点等进行剖析,论述了分类搜索引擎分类体系的突破与不足、基于传统分类法的网络检索工具的特色及不适应性,进而指出,现有网络分类检索工具的分类体系需要变革和发展,才能充分揭示网络信息、体现网络环境特征和满足用户需求。 二.在网络信息资源分类组织的理论方面形成如下观点: (1)提出改进基于分类法的网络检索工具的方法,使其接受挑战,能够及时反映动态的网络信息新主题、增强易用性、拓宽用户服务面、克服原有的技术利用滞后等缺点; (2)网络信息资源分类组织,不仅仅指分类法的编制,还包括款目的归类与排列等问题。作者结合现有的网络信息分类和传统分类的方法,探讨了构建网络分类检索工具的方式,构建分类体系的原则、基本内容(包括体系构架、基本大类、聚类原则、类目设置、类目名称、类目排列、标记问题和横向关系等)。并在此基础上,依据简捷性、直接性、实用性、动态性、自然性等原则,结合计算机网络技术、信息管理理论,吸收情报检索语言的精华,提出了构建相对统一的网络分类体系大纲。该分类体系充分揭示了类目体系的内在逻辑关系,类目设置、排列规范化,使工具具有较强的实用性和易用性,能有效提高检索效率; (3)首次提出网络信息资源分类组织的发展趋势:分类一主题一自然语言一体化,并对实现这一目标作出了展望。 三.在网络信息资源分类组织的应用技术方面提出了一些新见解,即改进基于分类法的网络检索工具的技术要求、运用现代分类技术促进网络检索工具进一步完善、超文本技术在网络信息资源分类组织中的合理应用以及密切关注其它信息组织技术的研究进展。 四.提出了网络环境下图书馆网络信息资源分类组织的对策,认为长期的社会分工赋予了我们图书馆人在文献、信息组织方面具有得天独厚的优势,图书馆比任何一种机构都更能胜任信息的组织工作,其拥有强有力的知识组织能力,而网络信息资源的开发利用是图书馆在网络环境中竞争的制高点。论文着重阐述了图书馆对网络信息资源进行分类组织的主要作用、范围、对象、方法和内容,总结了国外图书馆对网络信息资源分类组织的先进经验,提出了国内图书馆对网络信息资源进行分类组织的对策,以及对网络信息资源进行分类组织的注意事项。观点新颖,有独到之处。 从理念角度而言,在网络迅猛发展的今天,图书馆人应重视对网络信息、网络环境、网络用户的研究,应以积极的态度在新的组织对象和环境中推广自己的成果并发展自己,在知识组织的领域内求得生存和发展,承担起网上信息的导航工作,由对信息组织传统方法的研究转向对新环境下信息组织方法和应用技术的研究,从情报检索语言和新技术的引入和应用等诸方面努力探讨网络信息分类组织的方法,这是一项极具生命力的研究课题。 作者系图书馆学、情报学专业文学士,本科毕业后又长期从事分类实践,平时一直注意广泛收集国内外资料、积极开展网上调研并跟踪学科发展前沿,因而熟悉本学科发展动态。在此基础上,作者对网络信息资源分类组

【Abstract】 With the fast development of the high-new technologies especially information technology (IT) and network communications, Internet is changing the whole world. A great number of information resources existing in the electronic or digital type of database, hypertext, and multimedia are gradually playing a leading role in the Internet times. Enormous quantity and quick transmission are the basic reasons for the Internet’s being developed quickly and used widespread which meanwhile bring about a serious question, the disorder.Disordered information will fail to be understood and used effectively. So it is an urgent and significant fundamental research project about how to organize the Network Information Resources (NTR) scientifically and effectively. Although a lot of valuable achievements have been made in this domain, the research is still not perfect and is necessary to be deeper studied.The only method to make information in order is information organization. With analysis, selection, indexing, processing and so on of the external and internal characteristics of information, we make the information resources in order. The author thinks that we should use "the librarian’s thought" and the theory of knowledge organization to direct and organize the NTR so as to make them highly in order. Because the attributes of knowledge are invariable no matter what way the information transmission adopts. It is pointed out in the paper that the core of further development of Organization of Network Information Resources (ONIR) is still the organization of the content of information. Under whether traditional or network environment, classification is always an important method in information organization. As the basic method and one of the tools of knowledge organization, the properties of classification organization will make itself more likely become a world-used Information Retrieval Language (IRL) and the tool used to organize and reveal NTR in the 21st century.With the use of basic principle and method of IRL, starting from discussion on the advantages of using classification organization method in NIR revelation and from application of classification in existing ONTR, the author study hard in the following aspects about the theories and the methods of classification which is used in making order of ONIR (CONTR).1. Based on the extensive network investigation, the author present that the classifications on application of organization and revelation of NIR can be divided into two network search tools, one is not based on classification (classified search engine) and the other is based on classification. The former is regarded as a networkinformation classification, which comes into being network environment. The latter is regarded as an attempt of the application of classification on Internet. The system features and the other properties of two search tools are analyzed in terms of classification retrieval language. The breakthrough and the shortcoming of the classified search engine as well as the characteristics and the unacceptability of the network search tools based on traditional classification are discussed. Furthermore, it is pointed out that the classification systems of existing network classification retrieval tools need to be reformed and developed. Only in this way can it sufficiently reveal network information, embody the network environmental features and satisfy the needs of the users.2. The points about the theories of CONIR are proposed as follow.(1) The methods to improve the network retrieval tools based on the traditional classification are put forth, so as to make the tools capable of accepting the challenges, reflecting new subjects of dynamic network information in time, enhancing the utilities, widening service domain and overcoming the backwardness of the initial technology application.(2) The CONIR includes not only the classification establishment but also the entry division and arrangement and other problems. Combining the existing network classification with the trad

  • 【分类号】G203
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1214

