

Understanding the Diversity in Preschool Children

【作者】 方钧君

【导师】 李季湄;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 学前教育学, 2001, 硕士


【摘要】 多元的社会为人们参与社会生产提供了多种可能的途径,另一方面,越来越多的研究成果证明了人们对世界的认知和思考方式也存在着千差万别。因此,我们就不能要求所有儿童都以同样的方式习得相同的技能,而应努力发现每个儿童的独特的认知方式和潜能。 基于这样的认识,哈佛大学“零点项目”的研究人员合作开发了一套旨在辨识儿童个体差异、评估儿童认知能力的评估工具——“多彩光谱”评估系统。从而帮助人们认识到每个儿童的智能、风格所表现出的广泛的多样性,在广阔范围内识别并肯定儿童所表现出的区别于他人的能力和兴趣,以此帮助儿童以自己更适宜的方式得到更好的发展。 本研究应用“多彩光谱”评估系统在幼儿园中做了一次长达半年的实证研究。一方面考察在中国背景下“多彩光谱”能否有效地辨识儿童在认知上的差异;另一方面考察教师对儿童的评估。研究结果发现“多彩光谱”在辨识儿童不同于他人的智能强项和认知方式方面显得更为敏感;同时发现教师对儿童的实际评估反映了以数学逻辑为核心的综合智力水平的评估观。在论文的最后一部分,建立在实证资料的基础上,笔者分析了教师的评估偏差的几个可能原因,并进一步总结了“多彩光谱”评估系统的价值。目的不是为了寻求现有评估体系或方法的替换,而是为实践中的教师提供另一种在辨识儿童个体差异方面可以操作的方法。希望通过评估工具的提供,帮助教师在更广的范围内注意到儿童表现出的能力,从而将教育教学建立在儿童能力基础之上,让每个儿童在其能力基础上得到最好地发展!

【Abstract】 There are many paths toward productive and worthwhile participation in our diversified society. Besides, a growing body of evidence shows that human minds are not all the same. There are many different ways of knowing and thinking about the world. Thus, we object to the idea that all the children should be expected to learn the same things in the same way. Instead, we should try to find their typical intelligence strength and proclivities.Based on those points, a collaborative research group from Harvard University’s Project Zero launched Project Spectrum-aneffort to identify distinctive intellectual strengths in young children, hoping to raise the consciousness of teachers, parents, and the children themselves to the broad array of intelligences, styles and proclivities that each child presents, and to the many possibilities for productive expression of potential that a wider view of abilities might bring. By trying to acknowledge each child’s intellectual strength and interest, by trying to base our teaching on their ability strength, we can help our children to learn at their best.So a positive study has been under way for half a year, during which Spectrum has been applied in a kindergarten. This study may be divided into four parts.: applying Spectrum to identify the children’s intellectual abilities; collecting information about how teachers evaluating and thinking of their children.; finding some underlying problems by comparing those different assessment results; and analysing those results. The author makes a conclusion that the diversities of children’s proclivities and intelligences haven’t been given enough attention in the field for two possible reasons: the underlying ideas about intelligence is one reason; and the lack of available assessments is another key reason. So the author summarizes the features of Spectrum, expecting that with the help of a set of effective assessment tools, it will be easier for the teachers to recognize the special qualities and abilities that each child presents.

  • 【分类号】B844.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】522

