

【作者】 辛霄恩

【导师】 张际平;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 计算机应用, 2001, 硕士


【摘要】 随着因特网的急速发展将人类带入知识经济时代,如何将传统图书馆中的资源送上因特网供世人共享已经成为当务之急。在这方面,西方发达国家早在九十年代初就开始了研究,并且已经取得了一定的成果。而国内则在近几年才开始进行数字图书馆的尝试,比起发达国家,已经有所滞后,为了赶上它们,中国政府专门组织了大量的人力物力开展“中国数字图书馆工程”。 在本文中,作者通过分析美国斯坦福大学数字图书馆工程、日本JIPDC(Japan Information Processing Development Center)数字图书馆工程和中国数字方舟的数字图书馆工程的计划,从中吸取出它们各自的精华,并结合中国国情提出了自己的数字图书馆方案。在方案中,针对数字图书馆建设中常见的几个问题:如何高效地将现有的传统媒体转化为数字媒体、如何有效而又安全地管理数字媒体、如何防止网络信息泛滥提高用户的搜索效率、如何控制用户访问媒体的权限和如何对媒体进行版权保护保证在线交易的正常进行,作者提出了自己的解决方法,并且将它们系统地组织起来。 作者不但设计和著文阐述了这个数字图书馆方案,而且对其中的关键部分予以编程实现并投入使用,目前作者仍在收集用户的反馈信息,准备对软件作进一步的修改以让它能更符合实际使用的需要。

【Abstract】 With rapidly development of Internet, it is bringing human society into an age of information economy, how to send resources in traditional library into internet and to share it with others become a more and more urgent issue. In early 1990s, the west developed countries have started their research and acquired some achievements by today, but in China we began our testing digital library project in just last years, it’s a little later. For catching up with those developed countries, the government has organized a group to implement a project Chinese called "Chinese Digital Library Project". In this dissertation, by analyzing the plans of American Stanford University digital library and Japanese Information Processing Development Center digital library and Chinese Digiark digital library, the author put forward a new plan based on Chinese current situation. In the plan, focusing on some general problems such as how to effectively transform traditional media into digital format, how to safely implement rights management, how to prevent the "information gulf phenomenon and improve searching efficiency, how to control the rights of users to access media, how to use copyright protecting tools to accomplish online trade mission, the author presented some ideas and united them into a whole system.Not only designed this digital library plan, the author but also have programmed it. And now the software have been put into use, the author is waiting for response information from users so that it can be improved more valuable in practice.

  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】191

