

【作者】 裴小倩

【导师】 朱家雄;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 学前教育学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 帮助幼儿学习社会交往技能是当代托幼机构幼儿心理健康教育的重要内容。为增强幼儿的社会适应状态而对幼儿进行的心理健康教育活动的最终目的是期望幼儿产生良好的社会交往行为。然而幼儿任何行为发生的关键都是激发行为的内部心理机制-情感动机。旨在提高幼儿在感知和分享他人情感方面能力的教育活动-移情训练更符合理想的心理健康教育模式知-信-行的理念。移情训练可以帮助幼儿感知和理解他人的情感,帮助幼儿自觉发生分享、助人、安慰等亲社会行为,帮助幼儿认识与接受自己,从而帮助幼儿学习社会交往技能,提高幼儿的心理品质增进其心理强度。 本研究旨在通过设计、组织和实施一系列的移情训练方案,培养幼儿对他人的积极情感,提高幼儿感知和理解他人情感的能力,提高幼儿的亲社会行为的水平,改善幼儿的自我意识,从而帮助幼儿养成良好的社会交往技能,使幼儿生成良好的社会适应状态,有效地增进幼儿的心理健康,并从中总结归纳此方面幼儿心理健康教育的一般规律,探讨帮助幼儿学习社会交往技能的心理健康教育的有效方法,为托幼机构的教育实践提供参考。 本研究针对上海市实验幼儿园某大班的幼儿实施了自行编制的为期35天的移情训练方案。根据移情的认知和情感因素及其二者之间的关系,整套的训练活动可为2个部分15个单元的内容。在托幼机构的实施中通过有目的,有计划的丰富教育活动,运用包括故事讲述,提问讨论,情景表演,游戏,艺术等丰富等活动形式,引导幼儿积极体验他人的心境和需要。本方案的设计借鉴了国外学者费西巴赫的“学会关心-移情训练方案”和国内的以往的有关研究。与前人相比较,在心理健康教育领域设计和实施本方案的过程中更注意的是:①移情的认知和情感两个因素的相互作用,尤其是情感因素的动机作用是行为发生的基本机制②幼儿是整个训练活动中的主体。这两个理念贯穿了整个移情训练活动的设计和组织过程。 本研究把个案法的案例分析为主要的研究方法。在对整个班级幼儿的移情能力测量分层的基础上,再结合幼儿的背景能力、性格特征等多方面的因素选取了8个具有典型的代表性的个案。在实施移情训练方案的前、中及后通过问卷、测量及自然观察对这8个个案系统的研究,以了解不同的幼儿对移情训练的不同反应和教育移情训练对帮助5。6岁幼儿学习社会交往技能有效性的研究硕士学位论文活动对他们产生的不同效果.在以质的研究为主要方法的同时,本研究还设计了简单的问卷和童表,以简单的量化对质的研究加以补充和说明,力使研究结果尽可能的科学和客观. 研究结果表明,本研究设计和实施的移情训练方案能在一定程度上分别提高幼儿的感知和理解他人情感的能力,调整幼儿的自我认识和评价,提高幼儿的亲社会行为水平,从而帮助幼儿学习社会交往技能,增强幼儿的心理品质.同时也验证了以移情训练为代表的知-信一行模式是开展,讼理健康教育的有效模式.

【Abstract】 Nowadays to help children learn how to communicate with others is an important content of mental health education in kindergartens. The terminal purpose of mental health education aiming at improve children’s social adapting condition is a wish for children’s good social communication behaviors. Nevertheless, any behavior of children happens or not lies on the inner psychological function, namely the emotional motivation, which will activize one’s behavior efficiently. Empathy training, being as a sort of education activities, purpose of which is to improve children’s capability in apperceiving, understanding and sharing others’ feelings, more accord with ideal cognition-attitude-behavior mode in mental health education. Empathy training can help children apperceive and understand others, help them produce self-conscious favorable social behaviors, such as sharing, assisting, comforting etc, and help them know and accept themselves better, thereby help them gain social communication skills, strengthen their mental quality.Current study is directed to designing, organizing and putting in practice a set of empathy training programs in order to foster children’s positive attitudes to others, and improve their abilities in apperceiving and understanding emotion and feelings of others, increase their levels of good social behaviors, ameliorate their self-awareness, help them learn social communication abilities, further their mental health. And from this process current researcher try to find out the general rules in this aspect of mental health education, seek out the prefect methods of this field and offer suggestions to the practice of kindergartens.The empathy training program lasting out for 35days is carried out among 33 five-six-year old children in a certain class of Shanghai Experiment Kindergarten. According torelationship between the cognitive and emotional factors of empathy, the program consists of two parts, concluding about 15units. During this period series of purposeful and designed abundance activities are preformed by ways of telling stories, asking and discussing, scene acting, playing games and arts etc. The design of current study uses for reference of "Learning to care: empathy training programs" made by American professorFeshbach and other studies of our country in this field. Compared with former studies, in current study more attention is attached to two aspects. The first is that the interaction of the cognitive and emotional factors of the empathy, especially the promotion function of the emotional factor, plays a fairly important role in excitating behaviors. The second is that children are the principal part in educational activities. These two ideas impenetrate the whole design and operating process.The main research method of this study is case study. At the beginning of the research 33 children are divided into four levels, according to the children’s scores in the empathy capability measuring. At the same time, children’s context is also considered, choosing these cases. There are eight cases are selected. Pre and post programs these cases are surveyed through nature observation and questionnaires, from which researcher try to know the same program how to effects on different individuals. And research quantitative methods are also used to recruit the qualitative data.The results have indicated that the empathy training study can to some extent improve children’s abilities in apperceiving and understanding emotion and feelings of others, increase their levels of good social behaviors, ameliorate their self-awareness, help them learn social communication abilities, further their mental health. And also have proved that cognition-attitude-behavior mode is effective in mental health education.

  • 【分类号】B844.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1457

