

Research on the Integration of ISO14001 and OHSMS

【作者】 周荣义

【导师】 陆愈实; 黎忠文;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界一体化进程的加速,企业开始认识到:要在全球经贸活动中生存、竞争和发展,环境和职业安全健康已成为他们必须积极参与和予以解决的问题。但是,在环境管理体系和职业安全健康管理体系的建立、认证和持续改进的实践中,他们也发现了一些重要的问题,主要表现在:①环境管理体系和职业安全健康管理体系两种体系文件和两种机构共存,导致管理重复、协调困难和绩效低下、效益不高的问题;②两种体系在建立、实施中出现了一些要素的交叉、重叠以及人、财、物、时间的浪费问题。③两种管理体系的单独建立和认证,增加了企业的费用和成本,同时也阻碍了它们的推广。 基于上述原因,论文提出了两大管理体系的一体化问题,分析了两大管理体系一体化的可行性:首先两个标准都遵循PDCA管理原则和持续改进的理念,都是通过过程模式管理和控制全过程达到目的;其次,两体系的结构和运行模式相同,并且都要形成文件化的体系;再者实施的指导思想相同,都是从重视过程终端逐渐移向过程的前端(输入),即重视以预防为主;最后,不仅两种管理体系的审核过程相同,而且均可消除国际市场上的非关税壁垒和增强组织的竞争能力。 但是,实现环境管理体系和职业安全健康管理体系的一体化决不是两体系要素之间的简单相加,而必须是将两者有机的结合。为此论文运用了下述的思路和方法:继续将PDCA循环原则以及持续改进和不断提升的思想作为两个管理体系一体化的核心;将系统论、信息论和控制论及其方法作为大两管理体系一体化的基础理论和运作方法;考虑到实现环境管理体系和职业安全健康管理体系一体化的关键就是解决要素的重叠和交叉问题,因此一体化的过程采取了对比研究和求同存异的原则;由于环境管理体系和职业安全健康管理体系运用了同样的运行模式,故一体化管理体系继续采用了两大体系的运作模式;在具体的一体化过程中,对于两管理体系标准中的共有要素和共有要求,采取了合二为一的方法;对于两管理体系标准中相对应要素的条款要求不尽相同的地方,采取了就多的原则;对那些要求大致相同,但严格程度不同的相同要素的条款,采取了从严而行的做法。 论文接着论述了两大管理体系一体化的方式或途径,即环境管理体系和职业安全健康管理体系的一体化过程怎样予以实现,由于一体化的实现主要体现在建立一套统一的同时满足两个标准要求的ESH一体化体系文件。因此,在一体化过程的实现中,作者重点阐述了管理手册和程序文件的一体化问题,论述了为什么能和怎样实现两大体系的管理手册和程序文件的一体化问题;同时,也介绍了一体化实现过程中需要配套解决的一些问题。如ESH组织机构的确立、ESH一体化管理体系内审员的培训等等。 对于ESH一体化管理体系,同样应该具有自己的运行模式及相应的体系要素标准,以便指导企业ESH一体化管理体系的建立。为此,作者在基于对ISO14001和GB/T28001分析、对比和提炼的基础上,运用前述的思路和方法,研究出了环境管理体系和职业安全健康管理体系一体化后的标准模式(本文将一体化后的体系称为环境、安全与健康管理体系,即ESH俗或ESH一体化管理体系)。ESH一体化管理体系包含了ESH方针、ESH策划、ESH实施和运行、ESH检查和纠正措施以及ESHMS管理评审,这五个一级要素共同形成了PDCA循环和持续改进的理念。 环境管理体系和职业安全健康管理体系的一体化对于企业来说是一件新事物,建立ESH一体化管理体系无疑对企业也是一种严峻的挑战。为此,作者在第五章中重点介绍了ESH一体化管理体系的建立过程。实际上,由于EsH一体化管理体系与15014001和OHSMS的运行模式和运行机制相同,故它的建立的过程和步骤也基本上和两大管理体系的一样,但由于它控制的对象包含环境和职业安全健康,因此在具体的步骤上,其内容有很大差别。一般的,ESH一体化管理体系的建立步骤包括:建立前的准备、初始EsH评估、ESH一体化管理体系的策划、ESH一体化管理体系文件的编写、EsH一体化管理体系的试运行、ESH内审和ESHMS管理评审等。 实现15014001和OHSMS的一体化,不仅具有其理论上的可行性,而且可以解决实际中的效率低下、要素重叠、资源浪费、体系管理和体系认证费用高的问题。因此,实现Isol4()0l和OHSMS的一体化,必将成为企业对环境、安全与健康管理的一种有效的新模式。作者认为,本论文的研究无论是对企业、咨询和认证机构,还是政府相关部门的人员来说,都具有重要的参考价值和实际的指导意义。

【Abstract】 With the process of the world integration going on, many enterprises come to realize that environment and occupational health and safety become one of the key problems they must be faced with, but during their practice in the establishment, certification and continual improvement of ISO 14001 and OHSMS, they also find some important issues mat can be described as follows:Firstly the coexistence of two kinds of system documents and organizations that deal with the problems of environment and occupational health and safety respectively leads to repetitive management, hard harmonization and low efficiency.Secondly some aspects of the two management systems are overlapped and intersected, and some resources such as human resources, time and finance are wasted.Thirdly the respective establishment and certification of ISO 14001 and OHSMS increase enterprises’ cost and expenditure, and therefore impede their popularization in china.Based on the above problems, the article presents the integration of ISO 14001 and OHSMS and analyzes its feasibility. First of all they all comply with the principle of PDCA and the idea of continual improvement, and accomplish their purpose by controlling the whole process. Then their structure and running mode are alike and they are all required to be written into documents and files. In addition the implement of the two management systems has the same guiding idea that attaches great importance to prevention, that is, great attention to the prevention has been transferred from the end to the beginning of process. Finally their audit procedures are alike and their implements can eliminate the non-tax barriers in international market and enhance the enterprises’ competence.However the integration of ISO14001 and OHSMS is by no means the simple addition of the two management systems, but the organic combination of them. So author takes the following clues and methods. Firstly the principles of PDCA and continual improvement are taken as the nucleus of the integration of the two management systems. Secondly theory of system, theory’ of information and cybernetics are regarded as the basic theories and running methods for the integration of the two management systems. Thirdly considering that the crux of the integration of the two management systems is to solve the problems of the overlap and intersection of some system aspects, so comparative study and the principle of seeking common points while reserving difference are employed. Fourthly die same running mode as that of ISO14001 or OHSMS is adopted to be that of the Integral Management System of ESH (called in this dissertation) because the two management systems take like running modes. Fifthly during the practice in the integration author combines those system aspects and requirements that are common in the two management systems, adopts the system aspects, which have more requirements or whose requirements are stricter than those of the counterparts, at the ones of the Integral Management System of ESH.Then the article describes the approaches of fulfilling the integration of the twomanagement systems, that is, how to accomplish the process of the integration of ISO 14001 and OHSMS. In fact the accomplishment of the integration of ISO14001 and OHSMS can be embodied by establishing an integral set of system documents that meet the requirements of both ISO 14001 and OHSMS at the same time. Therefore author emphasizes the description of the integration of management manual and programmed documents of integral management system of ESH, and explains why and how to fulfill the integration of management manual and procedure documents. In addition, some responding problems such as the establishment of the responding management organization and the training of internal auditor of the integral management system of ESH are given and explained.For the Integral Management System of ESH, it should also have its own running mode, system aspects and corresponding requirements mat are standardized so as to help enterpris

  • 【分类号】F273
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