

Testing Research on Temporarily Blocked Drilling Fluid

【作者】 蔡记华

【导师】 乌效鸣;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 地质工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 针对钻井工程中出现的护壁堵漏与保护地层渗透性的矛盾,提出利用胍尔胶、魔芋、和Na-CMC等聚合物,并结合现代生物技术中聚合物的断链降解原理,开发出适合于石油、天然气和水文水井钻探等领域的自动降解无伤害钻井液——暂堵型钻井液。三年来,为实现本目标,进行了广泛的信息调研、资料收集和理论分析,并开展了大量的暂堵型钻井液的配方试验和性能测试工作,将室内研究结果应用于水文水井钻探实际,同时也已经开始和地方企业联合开发暂堵型钻井液的基本材料。以钻井工程为基础,以现代生物技术为手段,结合有机化学、高分子化学、生物化学、分析化学等方法和流体力学等方法,研制开发出的暂堵型钻井液,具有很强的科学性、创新性和新颖性。暂堵型钻井液为自动降解无伤害型钻井液,无毒,无害,具有较好的环境适应性和经济性;和传统的暂堵技术相比,暂堵型钻井液体现为自动降解,本质性地改进了解堵工艺,提高了生产效率。生物酶能有效的并完全地降解聚合物,因此暂堵型钻井液避免了钻进完成后聚合物对产层的伤害问题。本文首先分析了暂堵型钻井液及其材料的国内外研究现状,阐述了胍尔胶、魔芋、钠羧甲基纤维素(Na-CMC)和羟乙基纤维素(HEC)等聚合物的性质及其用途,它们构成了暂堵型钻井液的主剂;介绍了聚合物降解的几种方式;接着介绍了聚合物钻井液的特点、性能指标和聚合物处理剂的主要作用机理等;生物酶技术在本文中得到了重点介绍,文中对酶的分类、酶作为催化剂的显著特点、酶的催化作用、酶作用机理、酶动力学、各种因素对酶的影响等方面做了详细的介绍,在本章结尾处介绍了酶在钻井工程中的应用情况。本文在介绍了传统的暂堵剂的暂堵机理之后,重点分析了暂堵型钻井液的暂堵机理。暂堵型钻井液是采用生物酶作为主要的性能调控制剂,它使暂堵型钻井液以认为可控堵方式进行降解,完成由堵到解堵过程。接着详细介绍了淀粉、纤维素和胍尔胶等几种聚合物的降解原理。对生物酶降解各种聚合物和降解各种复配的聚合物进行了数百次的室内实验,同时对以粘土为基浆、以聚合物为主要处理剂和以生物酶为性能调控试剂的暂堵型钻井液进行了大量的实验,用本研究依托的课题组自行特殊研制的渗透性恢复测试仪对暂堵型钻井液进行渗透性恢复测试,分析遴选出性能优良的独特配方。暂堵型钻井液将生物酶技术应用于水文水井钻探领域,因为它的性能具有人为可调控性,能自动降解、对地层无污染、无伤害,地层的渗透性恢复达到90%以上,相对于常规钻井液,能明显地提高水井的产量。同时,该新型暂堵型钻井液的其他常规技术指标(如粘<WP=6>度、失水量、稳定性、润滑性和抑制性等)均达到相应优质泥浆的技术标准,尤其在钻井期间的护壁堵漏性能尤为突出。暂堵型钻井液应用于生产实际,在甘肃张掖和广西柳州共进行了多口水井的现场试验工作。不仅解决了复杂地层护壁堵漏难的问题,使钻进工作顺利进行,而且显著地提高了水井的产量。同时还开展了暂堵型钻井液的基础材料的初步开发。以来源广泛且价格低廉的植物粗纤维材料为基本原料,结合先进的物理和化学的方法,研究适于石油、天然气和水文水井钻探领域的暂堵型钻井液的基本材料,与湖北有关生化企业联合,开始暂堵型钻井液的基础材料的工业化生产的前期工作,已有小批量的产品可推向市场。通过全文可以看出,我们在以下方面有突破性进展:暂堵型钻井液为自动降解无伤害钻井液,无毒,具有较好的环境适应性和经济性;和传统的暂堵技术相比,暂堵型钻井液体现为自动降解,本质性地改进了解堵工艺,提高了生产效率;利用粘性可变的材料来研制钻井液;根据钻井周期的需要,通过对材料配方的调整来控制钻井液流变性等参数随时间变化特性,满足钻井液在钻井期间具有强的护壁堵漏效果,而在成井后开采时,又使近井地层中侵入的钻井液粘度下降,从而使地下流体通道畅通,地层的渗透性恢复,提高了生产井的产量。本课题相关的专著和论文已经出版和发表,而且相应成果在《科技日报》以及相关报纸和网络媒体也有报道。

【Abstract】 A contradiction comes into being that whether keeping the hole and blocking the leakage or protecting the permeability of the formation. To solving this problem, we use polymers such as guar gam, konjaku flour and Na-CMC, combining with the chain scission and degradation in modern biology, and develop temporarily blocked drilling fluid, which is marking as self-degradated, harmless to the formation and can be widely used in oil, gas and water well drilling.In the past three years, to realize the task, the author took great attention in investigation and research work, the collection of reference information, and theoretical analysis. Based on these previous works, hundreds of lab performance tests of different compounding temporarily blocked drilling fluid have been done. The lab achievements have been used in water well drilling. At the meantime, the project group upon which the research work depended has cooperated with the local company the produce the fundamental materials of temporarily blocked drilling fluid.Based on the drilling engineering, by means of modern biology and connected with organic chemistry, high polymer chemistry, biochemistry, analytical chemistry and fluid mechanics, we developed temporarily blocked drilling fluid, which has great scientific and novelty meanings.Temporarily blocked drilling fluid can be auto-degradated and toxicless and harmless to the local environment. Distinguished from traditional temporarily blocked agents, it does not need additional unblocking technology such as pressure unblocking, acidizing, oil-solubl or broking gam, which elementarily improves the unblocking technology and the productive efficiency. The enzyme can effectively and thoroughly degradate the polymers, which avoiding the harm of polymer on the formation after drilling work.The present status of temporarily blocked drilling fluid and the related materials was introduced firstly. The performances and uses of polymers such as guar gum, konjac, Na-CMC, and HEC which make up of the main agent of temporarily blocked drilling fluid, are represented. In succession of this content, the characters, performance parameters and the main performance mechanics of polymer drilling fluids was compactly introduced. As a main part, the knowledge of enzyme was interpreted in detail which including the classification, the obvious characters of it as catalyst, the catalyst effect, the reaction mechanics, the dynamics and the influencing factors. At the ending of this chapter, the author talked about the application of enzyme in drilling industry.After introducing the temporarily blocked mechanics of conventional temporarily blocked agent, the author primarily analyzed the temporarily blocked mechanics of temporarily blocked drilling fluid. Used enzyme as the main agent to control the performance of it, the degradation of it can be man-controlled, which ensures the process of blocking to unblocking. Then the degradated principles of several polymers such as starch, CMC and guar gam were analyzed in detail.Hundreds of lab tests were preceded about the degradation of enzyme on polymer and composite polymers. Then plenty of tests were done on the temporarily blocked drilling fluid<WP=8>which was made up of bentonite, polymers and enzyme. Using the self-developed recovering testing apparatus of permeability, the author tested the recovering performance of permeability of the temporarily blocked drilling fluid and got the excellent and special compounding of it.When the temporarily blocked drilling fluid was used in water well drilling, the lab test demonstrated that the performance of drilling fluid can be artificially controlled. It can be auto-degradated and have no pollution or harm on the formation. The recovering ratio of the permeability of the formation is as high as 90%. At the same time, the general parameters of it such as viscosity, API fluid loss, stability, lubricating ability and rejection capability have meet up the technical standard of quality drilling fluid, especial the protection perfo

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