

XiaoQinLing Mining Rights Management Information System and Its Design

【作者】 王欣

【导师】 郑贵洲;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 地理信息系统, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 矿产资源是人类生产和生活资料的基本源泉,矿产资源的丰富程度和开发利用程度是决定一个国家经济实力和发展潜力的重要因素。矿业权是由矿产资源派生出的一项权能,即赋予矿业权人对矿产资源进行勘察、开发及采矿的等一系列活动的权利。我国是世界上矿产资源较丰富的国家之一,目前已有各类国有矿山1万多座。如何有效地管理矿业权,从而最大限度地利用矿产资源,是矿业部门亟待解决的问题。地理信息系统(GIS)作为一种用来进行管理、分析空间数据的工具,在矿区地图管理、矿区相关数据的查询、统计、分析等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文立足于矿业权领域,以小秦岭金矿为例,重点论述了地理信息系统在空间查询及空间分析等方面的优势,将地理信息系统的控件应用到可视化的编程环境中,进行GIS的二次开发,从而实现对矿产资源的地理分布的空间特征以及矿业权属性特征的综合管理。小秦岭地跨陕西、河南两省,是我国著名黄金工业基地之一。小秦岭地区金矿资源丰富,分布集中,但由于缺乏统一规划,不仅未能形成大规模生产的优势局面,还造成了严重的资源管理混乱,成为我国矿业秩序混乱的老大难地区。因此应用GIS技术对小秦岭金矿的各个矿区数据资料信息化、图形图像数字化、数据输出定量化的科学管理更显得十分必要。本文首先对矿业权管理信息系统进行了用户需求分析:从矿业权业务操作的流程出发,对目前矿权系统建设中存在的问题进行分析,并从中得出系统所应具有的功能。在需求分析的基础上,本文进行了系统的总体设计规划,对系统人员的职责以及主要功能进行了详细的划分,并介绍了系统采用的关键技术。为了具体实现矿业权管理信息系统,本文详细讨论了空间数据库与属性数据库的结构设计问题,同时利用Access属性数据库与MapObjects控件内的空间数据库进行连接,实现了从地图到数据库或者从数据库到地图的查询。本系统由图层操作、图形编辑、数据库浏览、数据库结构操作、信息查询等功能组成。通过本系统可进行矿业权属性信息的输入、存贮、查询、检索、浏览显示、输出以及对空间信息的查询分析功能。由于采用了面向对象的设计思想和图形用户界面设计技术,系统具有界面友好,操作简便,易于掌握等特点。通过将GIS技术应用于矿业权领域,从根本上改变了以往矿业权资料信息处理的局限性和枯燥性,提高了矿业权相关数据的管理水平,规范了申请登记流程。

【Abstract】 Mining resource is the basic headspring in mankind’s production; the abundant degree and exploration extent of mineral resources is the key factor to determining economic strength and developmental potential of a nation. Mining rights is a kind of property rights derived from the ownership of mineral resources, that is, authorize the owner of a mine to investigate, develop and mining activities. China is one of the plentiful mineral resources nations, at present, there are more than ten thousands various and state-owned mining mountain. How to availably manage the right of mining rights and consequently, make maximum use of mineral resource is an urgently problem needed to settle. Geographic Information system be used as a tool for management or anglicizing spatial data etc, it has become more and more important in managing mineral map, inquiring related mineral area data, statistics and analysis. The dissertation is established in the fields of mining rights, set the Xiao QinLing as an example, emphasis on the advantage of GIS technique in spatial inquiring and spatial analysis, apply ActiveX into the Visual programming environment, realize the integrate management of the geographic attributes and spatial attributes.Xiao QinLing, located across Shan’xi Province and He’nan Province, is one of the famous gold industry bases. Though it has resourceful and central gold mine, because of lack of uniform planning, consequently, not only could the gold resources become the advantage in large-scale production, but result in the serious administrant confusion. Therefore it seems necessary to apply techniques of GIS to every mine in Xiao Qinling by integrating information, sketching diagrams to resemble the arithmetic figure and fixing qualify to output data,The dissertation analysis the customer demand in the first place. Start with the flow of Mining Rights, proceed the analysis in the construction of Mining Rights System, and then get the system function. On the basis of demand analysis, in terms of different demarcation of personnel, the dissertation put up the main function design, and introduces some key technique towards system. In order to realize Mining Rights System in a specific way, this dissertation particularly discuss the problem of how to design spatial database and attributes database, meanwhile, make use of the conjunction of attributes database in Access and spatial database in Map Objects Control, and then realizes search from map to the database or from database to the map.Map layer, graphics edit, database view, database structure operation, information search etc can operate this system. This system have much functions, such as input attributes information,<WP=7>store info, inquire info, index info, view info and output spatial formation. Because of adopting to orient object design thoughts and customer interface design technique, system has the amity interface, easily operation and other characteristics. To apply GIS techniques into Mining Rights realm, the system has completely changed the limit and bald course in information management, increased the management level of Mining Rights.

  • 【分类号】F426.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】186

