

Construction Technics’ Control and Optimization of Double-Arch Tunnels in Complicated Geology Conditions

【作者】 李鹏

【导师】 吴立; 陈建平;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 地质工程, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 随着我国国民经济的迅速发展,公路建设的规模日益扩大,由此带动并促进了公路隧道建设的发展。联拱隧道(又称连拱隧道)和分离式隧道是目前修建高速公路隧道的两种形式,在地质条件基本许可、线路较短、土地使用昂贵、路线分离困难时,多采用联拱隧道,尤以双联拱隧道为主。然而由于联拱隧道的高跨比很小,其受力结构复杂,设计要求高,施工难度大,且对施工工艺方法与程序有严格要求。尤其在复杂地层,结构分析不合理或施工方法与工艺不当将造成严重的隧道地质灾害现象。所以结合具体工程项目对高速公路隧道进行结构分析,从各种复杂条件下找出具有一定应用范围的施工工艺方法并控制、指导以及优化联拱隧道的施工将显得十分重要。本文依托作为湖北省交通厅重点科研项目的“高速公路复杂地层双联拱隧道施工控制工艺研究与应用”项目,针对襄(樊)十(堰)高速公路襄(樊)武(当山)段三条隧道(秦家沟、徐家湾和梅子沟隧道),以钻爆法施工的山岭双联拱隧道为研究对象,通过对设计、施工、模拟和量测的参与和研究,参照国内外先进的施工工艺方法,运用计算机有限元分析等手段,得出相关结论和建议。首先,论文阐述了襄十高速公路双联拱隧道的工程概况和工程水文地质条件,作为隧道设计方法和施工工艺的前提,及有限元模拟中围岩参数取值的基础,并对隧道围岩的质量和稳定性进行了评价。第二,针对复杂地层条件下双联拱结构的稳定性、围岩与支护结构的受力进行理论分析,论文阐述了双联拱隧道的断面、洞口、支护结构和防排水等设计方法。第三,论文探讨了双联拱隧道的合理施工方案。文章论述由一般到特殊,从高速公路双联拱隧道的常见施工方法,到襄十高速公路襄武段双联拱隧道的施工方案确定,并对多种方案进行了有限元模拟,分析在岩体开挖、加固前后及岩体开挖、加固的各个步骤围岩的变形及应力状态,对施工过程进行动态分析,对比各种施工方案的特点和合理性,分析现场不当的施工程序方法及不同的施工过程对围岩稳定性的影响,论证优化设计工序,提出了在此工程地质条件下更为合理的施工方案和施工工序。第四,论文结合襄十高速公路双联拱隧道,研究国内外联拱隧道的施工控制工艺和方法,总结成功的经验与失败的教训,分析联拱隧道施工方法的合理性及可能造成的影响,提出和总结了高速公路联拱隧道的相关施工方法。同时,研究隧道不良地段的辅助施工方法,如锚喷钢拱、超前锚杆、注浆小导管及管棚等工法的工作机理和设计施工要点,正确评价工艺过程的具体参数要求及其合理性与可行性。双联拱隧道在结构上增加了中隔墙,<WP=7>使复合衬砌的受力和变形发生变化,M型的隧道断面使中隔墙顶部成为地下水的集中汇集区域,多步的施工工序使中隔墙顶部围岩受到多次扰动,其设计与施工具体环节的处理直接影响着中隔墙的承载力、支护运营的安全性以及隧道的稳定性和外观形象。因此,中隔墙结构及其防排水的有效设计和适当施工成为双联拱隧道设计施工的关键问题。本文具体阐述分析了中隔墙设计施工处理工艺,以及双联拱隧道防排水施工处理工艺。第五,文章研究岩体地质条件对双联拱隧道围岩稳定性及开挖、支护的影响,确定合理的岩体物理力学参数,运用计算机三维有限元分析方法,针对锚喷钢拱支护施工工艺在双联拱隧道支护结构中的应用,对比其不同参数条件对双联拱隧道变形、应力状态的影响,得到锚喷支护和钢拱架支护的量化支护效果,以及不同工艺参数对支护效果的影响。分析了在不同情况下,围岩状况和需要进一步支护工作的情况,以期确定获得更优的施工工艺和参数。最后,通过现场监测,跟踪收集施工信息,借助位移量测、应力应变量测等手段,获得实验数据,根据原位测试和现场监测的结果对联拱隧道施工过程中的各种信息进行反分析,并根据分析结果验证模拟、修正设计、指导施工,提出合理的信息化施工方法。论文着眼于双联拱隧道施工工艺的控制与优化,以襄十高速公路双联拱隧道为例,并参考其他类似工程经验,同时引入有限元数值模拟方法作为研究手段,对隧道各种施工方案和不同施工工艺参数进行数值模拟,对比计算结果进行分析和优化工作。文章重视理论分析和实践检验,得出双联拱隧道设计、施工的优劣经验,以及不同施工方案和施工工艺、参数的模拟结果,横向上方案与方案进行对比,纵向上模拟与实践进行对比,具有相当的可靠性。论文与工程紧密结合,立足于理论研究,指导与反馈于生产实践,具有较强的现实意义和较高的参考价值。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the national economy of our country, the scale of highway construction is increasingly extended. It has promoted the development of highway tunnel construction. Multiple-arch tunnel and separated tunnel are two kinds of the superhighway tunnels. Multiple-arch tunnel, especially double-arch tunnel, is adopted widely in the condition that geology conditions are permitted, circuitry is short, the cost of land is high, and route’s separation is difficult.However, because the ratio of height and span of double-arch tunnel is very small, its structure, design and construction are more complicated. Particularly during the complicated geology conditions, the unreasonableness of structure analysis or construction method will result in the serious geology disaster of tunnel. Therefore, it is important to analyze the structure of superhighway tunnel, and find out reasonable construction methods combining with the practical engineering project in order to control and optimize the construction of double-arch tunnel.This thesis depends on the research item "Construction Technique Research and Application of Double-Arch Tunnel of Superhighway in Complicated Geology Conditions", focusing on three tunnels in XiangWu section of XiangShi superhighway, including Qinjiagou Tunnel, Xujiawan Tunnel and Meizigou Tunnel. The research objective of the thesis is the double-arch tunnel in mountains constructed by drilling and blasting. Thought the combination of design, construction, simulation and measurement, the application of advanced construction technics at home and abroad, and introduction of computer means such as finite element method, the thesis gets some related conditions and suggestions.The first, the thesis introduces the general engineering hydrological general situation of the double-arch tunnels in XiangShi superhighway. This is the premise of the tunnel’s design methods and construction technics, as well as the base of simulating the parameter with finite element method. The thesis also evaluated the stability of the tunnels.The second, the thesis explained the design of the tunnel’s cross section, entrance to cave, timbering structure, waterproof ways and so on, on the base of analysis on structure’s mechanical character and stability of double-arch tunnel in complicated geology conditions.The third, the thesis studied the logical construction scheme of double-arch tunnel, it discussed and simulated construction scheme of double-arch tunnels in XiangShi superhighway, analyzed transfiguration and stress state in every step of rock excavation and timbering and also compared the characterististics and rationality of some other construction schemes. What’s more, it discussed and optimized the working procedure, introduced more logical construction scheme and working procedure in this geology conditions.The fourth, the thesis investigated the construction technics of double-arch tunnel at home<WP=9>and abroad, summarized much experiences from the success and failure, and analyzed rationality of construction technics, according to the project of double-arch tunnels in XiangShi superhighway. It also proposed some assistant design methods, such as bolt, shotcrete, steel arch, leading bolt, grouting pipe, pipe shed, and so on, introduced their working mechanism and main points of construction, and also evaluated the parameters standards and rationality and feasibility. Because of the middle wall in the structure, the compound reinforcement has been changed, the top part of the wall became the water habitat, in the view of its "M" shape, the wall rock around is also perturbed since the working procedures. Thus, the treatment of the stress of the design and construction details had great influences on the stress of the middle wall, security of reinforcement, the stability of the tunnels, and its appearance. So, the structure of the wall, the effective of the design and construction become the key point for the double-arch tunnels. The thesis analyzed the construction control technics

  • 【分类号】U455
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】620

