

General Conception of Chinese National Environmental Auditing

【作者】 姜毅

【导师】 李雪;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 会计学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 环境审计最早产生于上个世纪70年代初西方发达国家的企业内部,后在西方国家审计中逐渐占据重要位置。目前,我国国家环境审计的理论研究和实践工作刚刚起步,尚处于探索阶段,与西方发达国家有较大的差距。对于国家环境审计的发展,我们尚未提出全面整体的考虑和构想。在这种背景下,本文通过对国家环境审计的现状分析,提出对我国国家环境审计的基本构想,旨在进一步推动我国国家环境审计的理论研究和实践工作。 本文包括四个部分。 第一部分论述了国家环境审计的产生。本部分从国家环境审计产生的背景入手,分析了环境审计与国家可持续发展的关系以及环境审计在国家审计的地位;然后阐述了环境审计产生的必然性和实施环境审计的可行性;最后阐述了环境审计的重大意义。 第二部分阐述了国家环境审计的现状。本部分首先介绍了国外企业环境审计的现状,然后重点分析了国外典型国家及最高审计机关国际组织环境审计的现状,并对其进行了简单的评价,最后分析了我国国家环境审计取得的成绩和存在的不足。 第三部分从环境审计的外部因素和内部因素两个方面剖析了我国与西方国家环境审计存在差距的原因。其中,环境问题、环境管理及环保意识背景的差异构成了中西方国家环境审计产生差距的外部因素;审计体制的不同和国家审计所受的政治、经济、法律、科技、社会、文化教育等环境的差异构成了中西方国家环境审计产生差距的内部因素。 第四部分提出了我国国家环境审计的基本构想。本部分首先分析了我国国家环境审计面临的挑战和机遇,然后提出了我国国家环境审计的构想。笔者对国家环境审计的构想分为两个部分。第一部分是我国国家环境审计的近期构想。其工作原则是立足现实,利用优势,打好基础,稳步推进;工作目标是积累环境财务、合规审计的经验,熟练掌握环境审计的方法和程序,促进国家环保工作的积极开展,为环境绩效审计等更深层次的工作打好基础,环境审计工作力争取得阶段性成果,处于亚洲国家环境审计发展的前列;具体工作是夯实基础性工作、确定环境审计工作重点、规范环境审计实务工作。第二部分是我国国家环境审计的中长期构想。其工作目标是为国家的可持续发展做出更大的贡献,力争环境审计的理论研究和实践工作处于世界最高审计机关的前列;具体工作是继续开展环境审计的立法工作、推行广义的环境审计、建立和完善环境审计标准、大力开展事先环境审计、开展国际联合环境审计等。

【Abstract】 Environmental auditing originated from the enterprises of the developed countries in 1970’s. These countries have acquired certainly achievement in the field of national environmental auditing. The purpose of the thesis is to build the general conception of Chinese national environmental auditing hoping to make contribution for sustainable development.The thesis composed of 4 parts.In article I ,the thesis begins with the background of environmental auditing, analyzes the relation of environmental auditing and sustainable development, then elaborates the necessity and the feasibility of national environmental auditing. Last expounds the important significance of national environmental auditing.In article II ,the thesis introduces the present conditions of the overseas enterprises environmental auditing, then introduces the conditions of the national environmental auditing of model nations and INTOSAI. This article evaluates the development of the overseas environmental auditing, it indicates both enterprises and nations of overseas have acquired certainly success in the field of environmental auditing. Compared with overseas, though Chinese also has acquired a little achievement, the more is insufficient.In article III,the thesis analyzes the reason of the difference between overseas and Chinese. On one hand, the difference of the background of environmental auditing forms the external factor, on the other hand, the difference of the essence of the audit forms the internal factor.In the last article, based on the above, the thesis draws the general conception of Chinese national environmental auditing. First, the thesis analyzes the challenges and opportunities of environmental auditing in the future. Second, the thesis draws the conception of Chinese national environmental auditing in the near future. In the conception of the near future, the thesis expounds the development principle and target of environmental auditing. Then arranges the specific work in the near future, it has three parts: firm the foundation work of environmental auditing, determine the emphasis work, draw up a series standard of practice work. Last, the thesis draws the conception of national environmental auditing of the mid-term and long-term.

  • 【分类号】F239.6
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1029

