

Studies on the Synthesis and Application of a New Feeding Attractant DMPT Bromide

【作者】 宫向红

【导师】 林洪; 张利民;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 水产品加工与贮藏工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 DMPT(Dimethyl-β-Propiothetin),化学名称为S,S-二甲基-β-内酸噻亭,存在于海洋浮游植物体内,是一种硫代谢产物。DMPT对多种海、淡水鱼类及长臂虾的生长、摄食均有不同程度的促进作用,并且能提高饲料利用率,增强鱼对不良环境的抵抗力。本文以市售二甲硫醚与3-溴丙酸按1.5:1的摩尔比,在40℃回流反应24h,得到溴化DMPT,经无水乙醚洗涤、甲醇溶液重结晶提纯后,得到溴化DMPT晶体,纯度达到96%以上。建立了测定溴化DMPT纯度的分光光度法,以及测定鱼肉、饲料中DMPT含量的气相色谱法,从而对DMPT的稳定性,尤其是添加到饲料中以后的稳定性进行了试验,并以鲫鱼为例,对DMPT在鱼体内的积累和消除做了初步探讨。本文的重点是DMPT的应用效果,分别以鲫鱼、慈鲷科热带观赏鱼非洲王子、黑鲷、大菱鲆为例,研究了DMPT对淡水及海水幼鱼摄食和生长的影响。实验证明,饲料中添加0.1g/kg溴化DMPT对鲫鱼、慈鲷均有诱食作用;添加0.2g/kg溴化DMPT,可使鲫鱼、慈鲷、黑鲷、大菱鲆的增重率分别达到对照组的1.3、1.8、1.6、1.2倍,黑鲷、大菱鲆的体长增长率分别达到对照组的1.6、1.1倍,饵料系数分别下降了14.3%、26.4%、16.8%、6.9%,这种差别与鱼的代谢有关。

【Abstract】 DMPT (Dimethyl-β-Propiothetin) is a kind of tertiarly sulfonium compounds. It widely exists in sea alga cells and is a metabolite from sulfur. DMPT can promote feeding motion and improve the growth of many species of sea fish and freshwater fish. Meanwhile, it can improve the physique and enhance the resistance of fish to the harmful circumstances.DMPT is synthesized by the reaction of dimethylsulfide to 3-bromopropionic acid at around 40℃ during the reflux period for 24 hours, and purified by washing it with cold dry ether and crystallizing it from its methanol solution. The purity of the DMPT crystal obtained is above 96%, and the production rate is about 73%.The head-space gas chromatogram method to determine the purity of DMPT crystal, as well as the content of DMPT in feed and fish muscles has been established in the paper. The stability of DMPT crystal, especially the stability of DMPT after put into the feed, is also reported in the paper. Furthermore, with carassius auratus as an example, the accumulation and elimination of DMPT in fish muscle was primarily testes.The emphasis of this study was put on the effects of DMPT on the ingestion and growth of juvenile fishes, for example carassius auratus, Labidochromis caeruleus, Sparus macrocephalus and Scophthalmus maximus. It’s proved that 0.1g/kg DMPT bromide in formulated feed promotes feeding motion, while 0.2g/kg DMPT bromide in feed makes the body weight increase of the above fishes reach 1.3, 1.8, 1.6, 1.2-fold of the contrast groups, respectively. With 0.2g/kg DMPT bromide in feed, the body length increase of Sparus macrocephalus and Scophthalmus maximus reach 1.6 and 1. 1-fold of the contrast groups respectively. On the other hand, the feed conversion rate drops 14. 3%, 26.4% and 6.9% accordingly. The difference between the effects is due to the difference between the metabolism of fishes.

【关键词】 诱食剂DMPT合成应用
【Key words】 feeding attractantDMPTsynthesisapplication
  • 【分类号】S963
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】441

