

【作者】 齐次

【导师】 陈向春;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 学科教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 信息时代,信息的获取、分析、处理、发布和应用能力将成为衡量现代人基本能力和文化水平的重要标志。现代化的教育离不开信息技术,而现代的教育也更强调以学生为中心,促进学校进一步开放,全社会的教育资源更加合理的配置。培养学生的信息素养,提高学生处理运用信息能力,更新教师观念,改善校园教育资源配置已成为新世纪教育的重要内容和任务。 课程整合是使分化了的教学系统中各要素及成分形成有机联系,并成为整体的过程。其实质却是一种观念的革命、效率的革命、内容方式的革命。其理论依据是:信息技术与学科整合的新型教学模式是在建构主义理论、信息加工理论、人本主义学习理论指导下的教学。 高中信息技术课程和语文阅读教学相整合,目的是提高学生的信息素养。中小学语文的教学任务就是通过读写训练,培养学生适应未来社会的语文能力。语文能力不单指听、说、读、写的能力,还包括对语言信息的查找、筛选、归纳、概括和删改、编辑等能力。因此,中小学生除了应该具有一般的语文能力外,还需要具有较高的对语文信息进行处理与应用的能力,比如利用图书馆、资料库进行学习的能力。 通过信息技术课程还可以提高学生运用和处理文字信息的能力。中小学信息技术课程的开设,可以让学生初步掌握检索文献信息和积累文献资料的能力。通过信息技术课可以进一步培养学生的语文基本技能。信息技术丰富了语文教学的信息载体和传输渠道,为语文学习提供了新的资源。 信息技术与语文阅读教学课程整合的关键,是如何有效应用信息技术的优势来更好地达到课程学习的目标,培养学生的信息素养、创新精神与实践能力,因此,要培养学生学会把信息技术作为获取信息、探索问题、协作讨论、解决问题和构建知识的认知工具, 信息技术与语文阅读教学课程整合实践过程: (一)利用信息技术资源,培养自学能力。(二)、开设阅读课,适应学生主动发展的需要。(三)、网络环境中的阅读教学(主题式阅读、选择性阅读、取样阅读、程序性阅读、超文本性阅读) 信息技术与语文阅读教学课程整合实践过程中应注意:不要过多地分散学生的注意力;不抛弃以前有益的教育手段、教学措施:多媒体手段的运用应适时适度。

【Abstract】 This is the era of information, the ability of acquiring, analyzing, transacting, issuing and using will be an important signal for measuring the basic ability and the cultural level of the modern people, modern education can’t go without the techniques of information, at the same time, we should pay more attention to making students the focus of education, speed the opening up of the school, the educational resource should be collocated in a more reasonable way. The improvement for the students’ information attainment , the ability of managing , using information, renewing and teacher’s conception, changing the collocation of campus education resource have become a magnificent content and task for the New Century’s educationCourse conformity is to make the separate factors of the teaching systems join together in a logical way, and combine as a whole. Its essential is a revolution of the conception efficiency, contents and ways of teaching. The theoretical gist is as follows: the new models of combining information techniques and course conformity is the teaching under the direction of construction theory , the theory of processing information and humanism.To combine senior information and technique course and Chinese reading teaching , we can improve the students’ diathesis of information. The mission of Junior and Senior Middle School is to cultivate students’ ability of adapting the future society in Chinese by training reading and writing . the so-called Chinese ability doesn’t only refer to listening, reading, writing , and speaking , but also the ability of searching , correcting and editing of Chinese information, therefore, the students should have the senior ability of managing and using Chinese informationas well as the general Chinese ability, for example , take advantage of libraries, the data base storeroom to study .Through course conformity, we can also improve students’ ability of handling character information . the opening up of the course will make students grasp the ability of searching for articles . Another advantage lies in calculating the basical Chinese skills. Information techniches has enriched the information carrier of Chinese teaching and transportation, thus supply a new source for the Chinese study .The key point of the course is how to attain the better aim of course studying by making use of the advantage of information technique more efficiently , thus, we must make sure students can learn to view it as a good tool of perceivingThe practical process of the course conformity are listed belowa. take advantage of the information resource , develop the self-study activityb. set up reading class , try to meet the needs of students’ voluntary development.c. teaching of reading in the network . topic-style reading choice-style reading example-style reading program-style readinghyper text- style readingIn the process, we must highlight the following points : don’t attract too much attention of the students , don’t drop the good teaching methods used before, and have a general control of the use of multimedia

  • 【分类号】G633.33
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】320

