
文本信息的空间化Web GIS应用研究

【作者】 罗永峰

【导师】 张洪岩; 周成虎;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 地理数据的广泛应用,使人们对信息的认识和利用进入一个新的思维模式。随着Internet的迅猛发展,基于Internet的数据管理和应用成为信息社会的重要标志。Web GIS的出现为解决多源数据的上述应用提供了一种模式。目前Web GIS大多数是着眼于对空间数据的处理应用,而基于Web GIS的多源数据的综合应用还不多见。本文首先对Web GIS的特点、发展概况以及一般的构造模型进行了概述,并对GIS空间数据的模型和结构作了简要分析;对目前几种流行的Web GIS软件平台的性能进行了比较,ESRI公司的新一代互联网地图服务平台—ArcIMS4有着功能强大、开发简单等优点,成为Web GIS应用的首选软件。本研究选用ArcIMS4作为空间数据网络发布的开发平台,并剖析了ArcIMS4的体系结构和信息的传递机制,为建立中国海岸带空间数据查询系统站点作技术上的准备;在收集大量中国海岸带及近海的文献的基础上,利用Access建立中国海岸带及近海研究的文献数据库,运用ASP语言和ArcIMS4构建中国海岸带文献空间数据查询系统网站,成功实现了对文献的空间和属性的双向查询和发布。 本系统的成功实施和应用,为基于Web GIS的文献管理、查询和网络查询发布提供了一种新的解决方案,拓展了Web GIS的应用领域。

【Abstract】 Abstract:Geographic data have being used in many social fields which makes people deal with information in three dimensions. With the rapid development of Internet, it has been the important mark of information times that data’ s management and application are based on the Internet. The emergence of Web GIS has provided an approach for multi-source data. At present, the Web GIS are mainly used to deal with spatial data, while it is seldom used to manage multi-source data.In this research, the characters and development of Web GIS, as well as its general structure system are introduced first. At the same time, GIS spatial data model and its structure are also described simply. The ArcIMS4 has many advantages such as strong function, easy development compared with other popular Web GIS software, it has became first selection in Web GIS application. In this research ArcIMS4 is chosen as development platform, and its structure and communication mechanism are analyzed to prepare for developing Chinese coast spatial data query web site in techniques. On the basis of the collecting literature, the China coast research document database is established. Using ASP and ArcIMS4 the China literature database query web site is constructed, and the spatial and attributive bi-direction query of literature is realized successfully.The success of this system provides a new approach for literature management, query and publishing through Internet, and extends Web GIS application fields.

【关键词】 地理信息系统Web GISASP技术Arc IMS文本信息
【Key words】 GISWeb GISASPArc IMStext data
  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】131

