

Principles and Techniques in Activity Design of Interactive Teaching

【作者】 董利华

【导师】 杨忠;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 当今,对中国人来说,学英语是当务之急,尤其是在一个更加开放的中国。在未来的社会,各国才子们之间的竞争是激烈的。这严峻的竞争形势要求教师要采取行之有效的教学方法培养学生实际的交际能力以适应现实竞争的需要。但是,现实教学中存在一些缺陷,正向李澜清副总理总结的:“时间用的多,收效却低”。因此,2000年新课程改革和新课程标准向我们提出挑战,要求我们改变目前的教学现状。鉴于互动教学方式已被国内外证明,是一种先进科学的教学方式,同时为了使学生真正的掌握英语,这篇论文探索了利用互动教学方式设计课堂活动的原则和技巧的可能性。另外,我还谈到了在日常教学中如何利用互动教学方式设计课内外活动的粗浅想法。 文章探索的一切是以教育学,心理学等理论为基础。研究方法采取问卷调查法和在哈尔滨第六中学英语课堂教学改革的实验中进行的理论实践相结合的方法。探索和实践的效果表明借助互动教学方式通过学生参与各种各样的活动,学生的创造性思维能力增强,尤其创新能力和实践能力都有所提高。例如,通过课前的值日报告,讨论,辩论等活动,学生珍惜每一个“炫耀”自己的机会,他们会为了自己或别人的小节目不辞辛苦地带来舞台道具。学生在学中玩,在玩中学。一些学生在卡片上写到:“谢谢您的辛勤耕耘,在英语课堂,您已教会我们现代学习技巧。我们不在只是全神贯注地学习语法。”对教师来说,互动教学激发了教师的聪明,才智和灵感,促使教师进一步研究和探索更科学的教学方法和策略。除此而外,互动式教学鼓励教师树立终身学习的信仰,有助于教师的持续性发展。 互动式教学方式对于高中英语教学意义深远,因此,这篇论文还探讨了总体原则,例如,活动设计要突出以学生为中心的原则,以学生的全面,终身发展为原则;活动设计要以培养学生的交际能力为原则等。文章还通过具体的课内外教学活动设计实例探讨了 设砂1·技巧。文章也重点分析了教学活动设计对实际教学实践的影响和效果。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, it’s highly necessary and vital for the Chinese to learn English, especially in a more open China today. In the future society, the competitions among the talents from different countries are very fierce. This severe situation requests teachers to take active and various approaches to train the students’ practical communicative competence to satisfy the needs of competition. However, in the daily teaching, there are still some shortcomings. As Prime premier Li Lanqing described the primary education in foreign language teaching: "More time wasted, less effective results." Thus, the New Course Reform in 2000 challenges us to a new and effective teaching model. New Course Standard asks teachers to change traditional teaching and teaching situation in class. Considering the advantages of interactive teaching which have proved to be true in China and aboard. Therefore, in order to make learners grasp English effectively, this essay will seek to explore the possibility of advantageous principles and techniques in activity design of interactive teaching. Besides, in my paper I will talk simple considerations about my daily teaching in how to design activity in interactive teaching.It is based on theories, such as psychology, pedagogy, etc. Research methods take questionnaire investigation, and the integration of theory and practice which have been carried out in English teaching in No6.Middle School. The results of research and practice indicate that by the interactive teaching via learners’ doing different activities, learners’ creative thinking has been improved, especially learners’ creative ability and practical ability in English learning have made great progress. For instance, a duty report, discussion, debate before class. They value every opportunity to show them off, sometimes even they can finish a better composition than ever. They make great trouble to bring their "stage property" to the school for their own or others’ small performances. They get a lot of fun in learning. Some students said in cards: " Thank you for your hard-working. InEnglish lesson, you have taught us new modem learning strategies. We no longer concentrate ourselves on the grammar work. During the period of learning, we have got great fun." For the teacher, interactive teaching can stimulate the teacher’s witness and inspiration, inspire the teacher to study further and research more scientific teaching approaches and strategics. In addition, interactive teaching has encouraged teacher to build up the idea of lifelong learning and helped the teacher’s continuous development.As interactive teaching is of great importance in middle school, this paper has introduced, besides other things, one general principle and six concrete principles such as: Activities are to be designed emphasizing the student-centered learning, students’ overall and lifelong developments; Activities are designed to foster learners’ communicative competence and so on. It also has explored the techniques of designing activities through concrete examples including activities in textbooks and in class as well as out of class. This dissertation has also touched upon the results analysis of activity designing and teaching practice.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】721

