

【作者】 孙鸿金

【导师】 林絮;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 评价改革是基础教育课程改革的关键,直接关系到课程改革能否沿着预定的轨道前进并取得实质性的成效。由于中学历史学科在应试教育体制下所处的地位和该课程的实际特点,构建符合新课程理念、促进学生全面发展的评价体系就成为新课程改革的突破口。 本课题的研究采用理论研究、行动研究和实验研究相结合的方法,以促进学生发展和历史课程发展为目标取向,试图从理论和实践两个层面构建形成性评价与终结性评价、绝对评价与相对评价、质性评价与量化评价、自我评价和他人评价相结合的发展性学生评价平台。 在全面反思传统的历史学生评价方法的基础上所搭建的新的评价平台,以多元智力理论、建构主义教育思想、质性课程评价理论等当前国际国内最新智力、教育理论和教育评价研究成果为理论基础;以初中历史新课程标准和初中生的认知规律和心智结构为依据,制定了知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度价值观有机统一的评价指标体系;以此为指导,研究并试验了档案袋法、行为观察法、活动法、学生自我评价法、测验法和学期或学年报告法等过程与结果并重的评价方法;并在实践中提炼出了发展性原则、全面性原则、导向性原则、差异性原则、科学性原则和反馈性原则等具体的评价指导原则。 在实验中,通过考试制度改革,全面实施开放性学习体验评价、建立学习过程记录和学生成长记录档案袋等措施,清晰地描绘出学生在历史学习中发展的曲线。并通过发展性学生评价报告将学生在历史学习中的发展成就、潜能和不足反馈给家长和学生,明确促进学生发展的改进要点,帮助学生制定改进计划,使学生在原有水平上得到了进一步发展。实践证明,在中学历史教学中实施发展性学生评价是推动历史新课程改革、促进学生全面发展的有效途径,受到了学生和家长的普遍欢迎。

【Abstract】 The crux of evolution reform lies in elementary curriculum reform, which is related with whether to advance in orders and make essential effect or not. Owing to the features of history for secondary school, it becomes the point of penetration to establish evaluation systems for the thought of new curriculum and promoting students’ development.The thesis adopted the method of combing theoretical research, action research and experimental research to promote the students’ development. Meanwhile, basing on the theory and practice, it will establish an evaluation systems including formative evaluation, summative evaluation, absolute evaluation, relative evaluation, qualitative evaluation, quantitative evaluation, self-evaluation and others’ evaluation.The new evaluation system that introspected traditional way wholly is based on the theory of multiple intelligence, the thoughts of constructivism and qualitative curriculum evaluation, which are the newest intelligence of domestic and aboard, educational theory and educational evaluation research. Furthermore, the formulated evaluation target systems are the unity of knowledge and ability course and method, the value view of emotions, according to the standard of the new curriculum of history for middle school, the disciplines of understanding to senior students and intelligence construction. Based on it, the thesis did researches and experiences about portfolio assessment, action observation, activities, self-evaluation to students, testing, and terms or semesters’ report. From the practice we summarized the some specific evaluation principles such as: developmental principle, comprehensive principle, directive principle, divergent principle, scientific principle, feedback principle.In the experiment, the varying curve in student’s history study, will be portrayed clearly by means of exam-system reform, the open evaluation of study experience, studying records and recording portfolio etc. The developing reports of student’s evaluation will feed back the achievement,potential and deficiency. Furthermore, I twill make the correction clear, help students make up their plans make them step forward. It has been proved practically that the developing report of student’s evaluation in history teaching in the middle school is a effective way to push the curriculum reform and stimulate students’ overall development. Above all, parents and students have generally welcomed it.

  • 【分类号】G633.51
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】396

