

A Study on the Refocusing Strategies of Pangang Group Gangcheng Enterprise Company

【作者】 李中文

【导师】 李福海;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 “归核化”一词近几年才在理论界得到公认并普遍使用。企业实施归核化战略主要是企业在实施多元化战略失败或绩效不佳时,以各种手段清除非核心业务,用以加强或重构核心业务的战略选择。对过度多元化经营企业实施归核化战略,主要有绝对归核化经营和相对归核化经营两种方式,绝对归核化经营包含了规模缩编和范围缩编两个具体的方式,相对归核化经营则包含了同业并购和杠杆收购两个具体的方式。企业归核化战略的目标就是通过培养和运用企业能力,采用组织变革和业务重组的方式,实现企业和顾客价值的不断提高。 攀钢集团钢城企业总公司是攀枝花钢铁(集团)公司主办的劳动服务型集体所有制企业。本文在对归核化战略在该公司的适用性作出肯定判断的基础上,对其发展的外部环境与内部条件进行了归纳,同时分析了其主要产业的发展态势并作出基本的战略判断,提出了实施产业整合、进行组织再造、调整经营结构、合理配置资源为主要内容的归核化战略思路,并勾勒出了该公司实施归核化战略的主要举措:深化企业改革,建立现代企业制度;整合产业项目,提升产业实力;实施组织再造,建立事业部制结构;进行资本运作,实现低成本扩张;利用独特资源,进行虚拟运作;创造比较优势,构筑成才平台;创新营销思路,开创“多赢”局面;建设具有攀钢企业公司特质的企业文化。

【Abstract】 It’s only some years recently that "Refocusing" is accepted and used generally in the theory’s field. When the enterprise is fail to do many things, Refocusing strategy is a choice, which clears the non-core affairs, and strengthen or re-structure core affairs. There are two methods: absolute refocusing and opposite refocusing. Absolute refocusing includes size downscaling and area downscaling; and opposite refocusing includes two ways: one is "Merger and Acquisition (M&A)", the other is "Leverage Buy-Out". The aim of refocusing is continuous increasing enterprise’s and customer’s value, by training and exerting enterprise’s abilities, and using ways of organization reform and affair recombine.Pangang Group Gangcheng Enterprise Company is a large-size collective enterprise, founded by Panzhihua iron and steel (group) company. After making sure that refocusing strategy is the same with the company, the study analyzes external environments and interior conditions of the company. Then there is a judgment of industrial development, and refocusing strategy is brought forward, including actualizing industry conformity, going along with organization reforger, adjusting management structure, and parceling the wealth reasonably. In the end, the paper gives a suggestion: deepening enterprise reformation, establishing modern enterprise system; adjusting operation overall, upgrading industrial capability; going along with organization reforger, founding industrial parts; going along with capital operation,achieving low-cost outspread; using unusual resources, going along with dummy operation; creating advantage relatively, building flat roof to become a useful person; changing management mode, inaugurate "many-win " phase; building enterprise culture remain with the company.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】149

