

Yibin Nuclear Fuel Element Plant Analysis of Technology Introduction of Large-scale Nuclear Fuel Manufacture and Study of Development Countermeasure

【作者】 彭宏斌

【导师】 叶成炯;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 核电是现代新型能源供应最重要的组成部分之一,也是高科技造福人类的典型代表。核电燃料元件是核电站反应堆的堆芯部件,是核反应释放核能的源件,是核电站运行发电必不可少的关键部件。我国自改革开放以来经济发展迅速,对能源的需求急剧增加,特别是在电力短缺的东部和南部沿海地区,由于受资源、发电成本、环境保护等方面的制约和影响,对核电的需求显得格外迫切。 本论文是笔者根据技术引进和技术改造的理论方法,对宜宾核燃料元件厂大型核电燃料元件制造技术的引进过程、技改工作以及发展对策进行的分析评述。论文简要介绍了核电的发展历史和现状,总结了宜宾核燃料元件厂大型核电燃料元件技术引进和技术改造的成就,分析了取得的成功经验以及存在的不足之处,结合核电新能源发展及核电燃料元件技术发展的趋势,提出宜宾核燃料元件厂技术发展的对策。在论文制作过程中,笔者收集掌握了宜宾核燃料元件厂大型核电燃料元件制造技术引进和工程改造的大量的第一手资料,与技术引进的相关工程技术人员进行了访谈,深入工厂现场了解大型核电燃料元件制造的工艺过程,并对当前国际核电燃料元件技术发展的趋势进行了探析。 本论文研究不仅为我国核电燃料元件设计和制造技术的自主发展提供了有价值的分析依据,对宜宾核燃料元件厂今后的工作提供了有益的建议,亦对我国核燃料循环工业的技术引进、技术改造以及技术的发展进步提供有建设性的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 Nuclear power is not only one of most important and modern energy sources, it is but also a typical example for "High tech brings benefit to mankind"; as energy release source nuclear fuel is indispensable and one of the key reactor core components. Since Reform and Open to the Outside the economic in China has being rapidly developed and the demands on energy has being suddenly increased especially in the Southeast, where shows a very urgent need on energy conditioned upon the resource, cost for power generation and environment protection.This paper analyzed and evaluated the main task and course of technology introduction of the large scale nuclear fuel into Yibin Nuclear Fuel Element Plant, based on collection the first hand information about technology introduction and reconstruction, discussion with technician and engineer concerned, and site visit to the manufacture line of nuclear fuel.According to theory of technology introduction combined with the achievement ofthe localization of the equipment of nuclear fuel manufacture in Yibin Nuclear Fuel Element Plant for last 10 years, the countermeasure has been raised for the development the manufacture technology of large scale nuclear fuel, based on the combination of the analysis of the experience and deficiency obtained with the development tendencies of both manufacture technology of nuclear fuel and nuclear energy, in reference with present technical development of international nuclear energy industry.This paper study provided not only useful suggestion for Yibin Nuclear Fuel Element Plant in future but also the constructional reference for technology introduction and development of nuclear fuel cycle.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】368

