

Redesign of the Internal Personnel Training System of QF Group

【作者】 饶世端

【导师】 李时彦;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在知识经济时代,人是企业最重要的资产,在职培训是对人力资源最重要的投资。员工的培训与开发是提供信息、知识及相关技能、增强企业竞争能力的重要途径,有时甚至是唯一途径。因此,及时的、有效的、连续的、有计划的培训和开发企业内部的人力资源,成为保持和增进企业活力的可行、可信、有效杠杆的途径。企业只有加强员工的培训,加强知识更新才能跟上新技术的发展,跟上时代的进步。因此,企业培训工作已经引起众多成功或发展较快的企业的高度重视,对员工培训投入了极大的热情和大量的资金。那么,怎样才能设计和建立一套科学的、符合我国国情的、能够适应知识经济时代企业发展需要的员工培训体系,就成为摆在每一个企业面前的重要课题。 QF集团是一个始建于1958年的企业,是我国自行设计、建设的大型国有军工骨干企业,20世纪80年代通过军转民涉足燃气用具领域,其热水器于2002年9月1日荣获“中国名牌产品”称号,先后经过股份制改造、资产重组、整体改制和战略调整,目前已发展成为拥有七个子公司的企业集团。45年的发展历程中,该公司一直比较重视员工培训工作,尤其是进入新世纪后,通过集团公司的整体改制,经过机制创新实施一系列的管理改革,重新构建了新的员工内部培训体系,并且开展了卓有成效的培训工作。但是,由于种种原因,与发达国家以及国内其他先进企业相比,还存在一定的差距,需要不断地进行修正、完善和提升。 作者通过两年来参与QF集团培训体系的重建工作,从学习和培训的基本原理入手,对QF集团的员工内部培训体系进行了深入的剖析,并提出了改进方案。个义从以拼儿个方面进行阐述: 第一部分绪论,简要介绍培训研究的背景和动机。 第二部分介绍了培训的理论与实践的现状。 第二部分介绍并评价了QF集团目前的员工内部培训体系。 第四部分对QF集团员工内部培训体系进行再设计。 第五部分对本次员工内部培训体系的再设计工作进行了总结,也对建立企业员工内部培训体系进行了思考,提出了企业培训就是要培养企业人的观念、企业培训应与企业文化建设相结合的观念、企业培训应该与员工职业生涯管理等其他人力资源管理工作相结合的观念。

【Abstract】 At the times of the information economy, personnel is on one hand the most important assets of an enterprise and on the other hand, the on-the-job training is the most important investment of human resources. The main way, even the unique way sometimes to provide information, knowledge and relevant technical skills is personnel training which could strengthen the enterprises’ competence. Therefore, to train and exploit timely, effectively and continually the human resource inside of the enterprise with proper program has become the valid channel with feasibility and credit to maintain and improve the enterprise vitality. An enterprise should always enhance the personnel training and strengthen the updating of the knowledge to keep abreast with the progress of the world. For this reason, the personnel training has caught the attention of many successful enterprises so as the enterprises in development, that they have invested great enthusiasm and funds for this target. Then, the most important topic that every enterprise should face to is how to conceive and establish a scientific personnel training system conformed to the general conditions of our country and which could meet the demands of the enterprise’s development at times of information economyQF Group, established in 1958, is a state-owned large-scale military key enterprise designed and built by our country. In the 80’s of twenty century, it has been transformed from military to civil use through involving the production of gas appliance, its water heater has been awarded as the "China Top Brand" on the 1st Sep. 2001. The Group has become the one who possesses 7 filial companies after havingcompleted the joint-stock system recreation, assets restructure, overall change and strategy modification. During its 45 years development, the company always put accent on the personnel training. By taking the chance of the group overall change and the execution of a series of management reform, the company has rebuilt a new internal personnel training system and has fulfilled some effective training. However, due to various causes, there’s a certain difference gap between the company and enterprises in developed counties and domestic advanced enterprises, which requires the company to carry out continuous modification, improvement and promotion in many aspects.By ways of participating the rebuilt of the QF Group’s training system and started with the basic principle of learning and training, the author has made a thorough analysis of the QF Group’s internal personnel training system and put forward the improve plan in the following phases:Chapter 1 introduction Brief introduction of the background andmotivation of this training research.Chapter 2 Introduction of the existing state of the theory and practice of training.Chapter 3 Introduction and evaluation of the present internal personnel training system of QF Group.Chapter 4 Redesign of the internal personnel training system of QF Group.Chapter 5 Conclusion of the redesign of the internal personnel training system and consideration of the establishment of the internal personnel training system. In this chapter, the author has raised several concepts such as enterprise’s training is to train the personnel, enterprise’s training should be combined with the construction of the enterprise’s culture and be combined with the human resources management including the professional career management of personnel.

【关键词】 QF集团员工内部培训体系再设计
【Key words】 QFGroupInternal personnel training systemRedesign
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】533

